International Conspiracy That Could Be Real


I know in mad circles people say their ideas are robbed by CIA or intelligence based organizations then fed to Defence to store and test and clear before released to Elon Musk type of business men to commercialize. It could be very true but they laugh in mad circles as they know it's always going to be incomplete and eventually decay or go into some slow development untill another nutter emerges.

Some say it's also robbed from the poor or disadvantaged given an image that suits their current time period ruling class. Bring an image of some normal dude always 50 years in history and who already died and create some fake achievement history for him. They won't ever know true knowledge it's all concealed and is infinite.

They also say they set up High IQ societies but if U look closely they can't invent nothing but just fast repeaters like a monkey(IQ). It is what it is could be for safety reasons also, let someone else long dead 50 years ago take the fame.

The truth seeker

Get Rich or Die Tryin'
Millitary industrial complex been a thing since the second world war it’s why the American economy is such a powerhouse silicon valley was created by the American millitary as it became a hub for R&D they also fund Hollywood movies including black hawk down

The interstate highway system was originally built to support the US millitary network if trump even thinks about cutting defense spending it will trigger a recession like the one in 1990


I have already known every government is tuug in one way or another, they have private richman xaflad abt their technologies that they never gonna reveal, world has already been maxxed out for the normal people


Millitary industrial complex been a thing since the second world war it’s why the American economy is such a powerhouse silicon valley was created by the American millitary as it became a hub for R&D they also fund Hollywood movies including black hawk down

The interstate highway system was originally built to support the US millitary network if trump even thinks about cutting defense spending it will trigger a recession like the one in 1990

Trump is unpredictable, beyond the showman ship and entertainment value he genuinely has(funny bastard), the issue is if he can treat his own alliance bloc since ww2 plus political and cultural allies this way, the Arab, African, South American, Asian worlds better take note this is truly a scary time in the world, he steering away from establishment politics.

Plus you just can't say oh it's just empty rhetoric the dude has applied the instruments. They been in excessive military spending also(that alone is scary escalation) some bodies have to pay for it as their locals suffer economically. The west is really at ww3 tipping point.

Trump should be told by his advisors destruction takes short period of time maybe weeks, the journey back if their is one and not a dark age can be mellenias. Reconstruction is bloody hard. He already pulled out of WHO a multilateral organization but not WTO or UN thank God. So pandemics are a weapon as Americans start using biological medical weapons. They already weren't signed to ICC court and u see how their presidents without any concern can kill millions. Once a country don't abide by some standard or international law, they are free from accountability hence America is a war machine by design(Trump is hateful of wars) so his against pretty much the whole establishment both right and left.

He knows he will be killed if he fucks with America post ww2 architects. If he says America is signing the ICC, this will cripple America war machine instrument and hold all presidents accountable, set new course of deal making only. Security comes first for establishment(guns first) not trade or business, his not in line with post ww2 America that's for sure. His making a mockery of America on the gun path since ww2 and everyone is fired up either hidden or open in political circle.

If Trump signs the ICC, that's it, America shoot first is over after him setting a new course for American politics of diplomacy and deal making only and some don't have that skill and will feel butt hurt. Those 2 assassination is sending Trump a signal, step down before Abe Lincoln and mlk and x and jfk options are utilised.
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