So knowing this information that the average iq is around 70 what's the solution for Africa. I'm not going to suggest recolonisation or something like that rather I have proposed a better more efficient model for our continent we should work around this problem through Eugenics basically what you'd do is make the highest iq Africans reproduce more so. I also think the capitalist model is ABIT harsh on the Africans since most of Africa was more agrigarian historically that should also be the primary system you can have commercial economic matters as the secondary base. By doing this Africa could develop a decent economy to sustain its growing population while also increasing its iq somewhat this is much better than the current system African countries are using of taking huge loans from foreigners and becoming very reliant on these foreigners to the point they hand over ports etc. this can only be achieved though if African countries or this gaarad is lead by a aristocratic elite group of males who keep the masses in check and not with the democratic system alot of African countries are trying to be. This is just a small analysis of mine all things can be worked around you just have to have humility from your population. Rather than this ego driven system we currently have.