Iran and the Rafidah are the most cowardice of all

Last attack they did, they telegraphed the Americans when they will strike, where they will strike. Also when they did attack Israel. Israel bombed their embassy in Damascus and killed the whole leadership of the Iranian revolutionary guards.

List of Iranians being humiliated
1. Suleimani getting roasted by Trump
2. The embassy attack in Damascus by Israel
3. Ismail Haniyeh getting assassinated in a heavily secured area within Tehran
4. Fuad Shukr getting roasted by Israel
Each and every single time. The mutah brigade(Hezbolah) and Iran were threatening the yahuud and they did shit. Cause they are cowards.
Check out

Dont expect a war between Iran and Israel. Even if Israel invades South Lebanon, Iran will not go to war. They gonna do a bit of bravery speak and a bit of missiles for PR at home to not lose face and thats the end of the story


Cast in the name of God Ye not Guilty
Last attack they did, they telegraphed the Americans when they will strike, where they will strike. Also when they did attack Israel. Israel bombed their embassy in Damascus and killed the whole leadership of the Iranian revolutionary guards.

List of Iranians being humiliated
1. Suleimani getting roasted by Trump
2. The embassy attack in Damascus by Israel
3. Ismail Haniyeh getting assassinated in a heavily secured area within Tehran
4. Fuad Shukr getting roasted by Israel
Each and every single time. The mutah brigade(Hezbolah) and Iran were threatening the yahuud and they did shit. Cause they are cowards.
Check out

Icl atleast iran is doing shit. Carabs are watching mass killing of their own and don't even lift a finger. Atleast the shia lobbied a bunch of rockets to the heart of yahuudia. Tf have the arabs done apart from piss camel shit. These langaabs have basically embarrassed the ummah with their cowardice. Now we have a generation who will soon think the ummah doesn't exist soon.

The world thinks Iran is the the only folks doing shit bc they are. Egyptians got a population of nearly 200 million and guess what, these cowards are doing nothing. They won't even open the border for gazans. I'd rather be Iranian rn then arab. If Iran does go to war, they probably will have half the world behind them
Icl atleast iran is doing shit. Carabs are watching mass killing of their own and don't even lift a finger. Atleast the shia lobbied a bunch of rockets to the heart of yahuudia. Tf have the arabs done apart from piss camel shit. These langaabs have basically embarrassed the ummah with their cowardice. Now we have a generation who will soon think the ummah doesn't exist soon.

The world thinks Iran is the the only folks doing shit bc they are. Egyptians got a population of nearly 200 million and guess what, these cowards are doing nothing. They won't even open the border for gazans. I'd rather be Iranian rn then arab. If Iran does go to war, they probably will have half the world behind them
I am not here to defend arabs

Read up and the purpose of this thread isnt to defend arabs.
Never took Iran seriously after soleimani's death. Iran is the type of country to threaten another and then pretend that nothing happened.
I never believed the hype
Israel want to create greater Israel comprising of tabuk, Sinai and the Nile, Shaam, and Iraq. they also need buffer states for protection which is why they are using shia axis of resistance and Jewish Russia and Ukraine they want to re-establish khazaria and fight a fake war between the axis of resistance where they just give Israel a free victory to annex greater Israel in Shia majority countries in Iraq and Syria and Lebanon and they will remake himyar in Yemen by using houthis and they will make greater Persia and create multiple Jewish states