Iran Greatest Middle Eastern country?

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Prince of East Africa
Iran has one of the largest economies of the Middle East. It is the world's 18th largest by PPP. Iran's major industries are largely state owned. The nature of the Iranian has led to a degree of inefficiency. Iran ranks 69th out of 139 in Global competitiveness report.Iran has been able to subsidize inefficient industry through large oil revenues and maintain respectable growth rates. The nature of the state-driven economy has led to significant brain drain in recent years as educated Iranians seek opportunities abroad. Consequently, Iran has begun a privatization in order to stimulate trade in accordance with its ongoing five year plan as well as an ambitious economic reform plan.

The most important advantage Iran's capital market has in comparison with other regional markets is that there are 40 industries directly involved in it. Industries such as the automotive, telecommunications, agriculture, petrochemical, mining,steel iron,copper, banking and insurance, financial mediation and others trade shares at the stock market, which makes it unique in the Middle East. Iran has a high potential of becoming one of the largest economies in the 21st century

Iran is just coming off western sanctions and has the potential to become a regional power.

Currently, they are engaged in some kinda proxy war with its Arab sunni neighbor Saudi Arabia.
So when are we going to see posts about Somalia's long shared history with the Persians lol

I do prefer them over the Saudis though, their diaspora seem a bit more liberal and progressive compared to other Middle Easterners. Or they could be the ones that were ousted after Khomeini's leadership began


Prince of East Africa
I look at Iran as an example for Somaliland to follow.They have a highly educated population and don't depend on oil like Saudi Arabia and other Arab countries.They also Islamic but follow their culture! I also hope Somaliland becomes an Islamic republic.
May Allah bless the Islamic Republic of Iran!


The Iranians in the Diaspora are highly educated and are by far the most successful immigrants. So I'm not surprised.What's their secret?
The Iranians who live in the U.S or Europe are very secular and fled thr country shortly after the Islamic revolution.

On average, Persians are alot more smarter than Arabs in my opinion.
Wait a minute. Arent you a Salafi takfiri who is against the 'tawagheet' but at the same time a qabilist that gives a pass for liberal democracy in his country of Somaliland??? So now you are supporting and praying for the mushrik rafidah??? What do your scholars have to say on the one who considers the rafidah to be apart of this ummah and makes dua for them??? You are one confused kid.


Keepin Southies in check since 1998
While the Gulf Arabs are building skyscraper from oil money, Iran making advances in science and technology.
Too bad the majority of the country is Shia.


Suldaanka Gobyare
Persians have a bigger ego than Arabs or any other group alive.
Very treacherous, cunning, but loyal one you get close to them.
They are the type to leave the religion or do blasphemous acts to gain wealth or power.
Like join the Westerners in insulting Islam or claiming homosexuality to claim asylum.

Females = BANGING!
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