Iraq passes laws that critics say will allow child marriage
Proponents of the amendments – described by activists as ‘disastrous’ – say they align with Islamic principles
Has nothing to do with Islam. People no matter religion or socio-economic status love to abuse girls and harm them. If it was religion based we wouldn't have to hear about girls in Canada for example getting harmed but it still happens. Thats why I say we bring back the guillotine and mass executions asap. These men don't deserve to live in this world.this makes me islamphobic
Has nothing to do with Islam. People no matter religion or socio-economic status love to abuse girls and harm them. If it was religion based we wouldn't have to hear about girls in Canada for example getting harmed but it still happens. Thats why I say we bring back the guillotine and mass executions asap. These men don't deserve to live in this world.
walaalo we're talking about children subhanllah they have no voice when it comes to things like this its shouldn't met with 'focus on yourself'Why does the west care so much about what people do in their own countries? Meanwhile California is burning down…
Horrible wallahi we need public killings for these peopleForget Iraq.
In Somalia, female lawmakers tried to oppose a child marriage bill. Of course, these women were defeated. You see, they don't care unless it's their own daughter that's affected. Let me explain how this can happen and how it DOES happen.
There are cases where teachers groom, molest and rape little girls. Last year, one of these creeps got caught and handed over the police, guess what? His clan defended him and he claimed that she was his 'wife'. So, there is no way to actually deal with him, as he did not commit a crime in Somalia. It's not illegal to groom children in schools, or fish for a wife in a mosque or school. There are no such things as safeguarding laws. Anyone who sends their child to mosque or school, is sending them to potential predators that have the law on their side.
But those with power don't care and they overpower the rational voices.
Why does the west care so much about what people do in their own countries? Meanwhile California is burning down…
Has nothing to do with Islam. People no matter religion or socio-economic status love to abuse girls and harm them. If it was religion based we wouldn't have to hear about girls in Canada for example getting harmed but it still happens. Thats why I say we bring back the guillotine and mass executions asap. These men don't deserve to live in this world.
@peterpeterForget Iraq.
In Somalia, female lawmakers tried to oppose a child marriage bill. Of course, these women were defeated. You see, they don't care unless it's their own daughter that's affected. Let me explain how this can happen and how it DOES happen.
There are cases where teachers groom, molest and rape little girls. Last year, one of these creeps got caught and handed over the police, guess what? His clan defended him and he claimed that she was his 'wife'. So, there is no way to actually deal with him, as he did not commit a crime in Somalia. It's not illegal to groom children in schools, or fish for a wife in a mosque or school. There are no such things as safeguarding laws. Anyone who sends their child to mosque or school, is sending them to potential predators that have the law on their side.
But those with power don't care and they overpower the rational voices.
I get it sxb, I’m not saying it’s right. I don’t condone it at all but what can we do about what some random Arabs do in their country? That’s all I’m saying.walaalo we're talking about children subhanllah they have no voice when it comes to things like this its shouldn't met with 'focus on yourself'
Ahhh i see that perspectiveI get it sxb, I’m not saying it’s right. I don’t condone it at all but what can we do about what some random Arabs do in their country? That’s all I’m saying.