Xog cusub:-Muuse oo ay ubadan tahay in looga guulaystay Doorashada
Muuse,waxaa Gacantiisa ka baxay Gudigii Doorashada oo uu isku halaynayay. Maxkamada Dastuuriga ah oo iyaduna isbadali karta,ayaa ku harsan haatan. Ilaa Shalay xaalku,waa uwacnaa Muuse oo xogaha uso…
IOG has been getting involved helping Wadani When Ciiro told him his dusting off Abdirahman Tuur vision, he even told him on the phone I love the north and south irir federation, 2 presidents, Hamar and Hargeisa and once in office he will actively complete the mission in the north, IOG is also working with HSM to set up the Hamar n galkacyo boys to finish of PL. Maybe PL is last on the hit list and they will deal with JL first thru Marehan vs Ogaden and then throw both Ogaden and Marehan under the irir samaale boots they may even be conscripted to PL war who knows.
PL invasion will most likely be two or three directions. Isaaq and dhulos horgal at Yocade waging war from that direction, Hamar to Galkacyo waging war from that direction, and Isis and Shabab launching hit n runs from the mountain.
Before this happens Darods may even be told war is dhiiba intaysan arintu xuman(political pressure) to sign of on 2 presidents in Hamar and Hargeisa and governors in the regions. Mission accomplished Somalia falls to irir samaale
I got nothing much to lose but I do fear for you inbreds tho.