Is anyone worried about the level of Nazi support on social media?

Has anyone noticed this alarming change? Why are there so many white supremacists online? Wallahi it's not a few of them as you may think. I just saw a poll where majority of people said they want Hitler back.


Coping through the 1st world
Nazism didn’t exist. The 1930’s - 40’s Nazism was classic and fascinating.
They’ve contributed greatly to science, medicine and physics. Regardless of their political wicked views.

Nowadays it’s incels trying to cosplay as Nazis. Projecting their anger on their miserable lives on others instead fixing it.
They’re just trying to be edgy because their lives is fucked. :manny:


Coping through the 1st world
Imagine being an American that you know your grandparents fought in WWII yet still feel the audacity to wave the Nazi flags and call yourself a neo-Nazi.

Cucked mentality. 🤦‍♂️

