Is Awdal First Muslim?

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The people of Awdal have a strong case to claim the first islamic settlement because look at the sheikh gadabursi tomb below

Look at this Zaylac Mosque. Looks very much like an old ancient community of jews

While in the same town you see clearly Awdal influence and it's mosque built ancient islam style


Here is Sheikh Gadabursi tomb, looks proper islamic


Halka Sheikh Issa looks similar to that zaylac synaogue for their jewish founder


It's clear both Issa tomb and the zaylac synagogue are clearly resembling each other however the tomb is obviously renovated but it doesn't look anything like surrounding tombs of muslims. We must use this as a base-line of a syngagogue in maydh because the HJ finally convinced Magaade sometime after futuh habash era to allow them into Isaaq as they were clearly considered nijaas and not allowed to participate in futuh al habash. So somewhere between 18-20th century HJ yahuda penetrated Isaaq and possibly thru conflicts internally and found an opportunity to join Isaaq again and the rest is history and created this 1900 looking building to indicate to Israel, we are inside gob clans of mecca

When the Yahud wins and joins a gob ansari clan such as magaade and convinces them to return to 'isaaq' again who is clearly 'written off' in all arab history and considered nijas and why u can't find his name anywhere anymore, waa gumoobay weeye oo waa naga dhintay and they erase him as not loyal to islam. But once a jew has won and penetrated a clan they create a tomb or syangogue somewhere to remind later jews yes we are here and just look deep into the culture and ancient stories and u will see who we are in that community and we will take your orders to ATTACK inside those clans. Somaliland separation was basically HJ plot given by Oromos saying lets get magaade clans away from the muslim clans and keep them as our agents of ethiopia while we will give HJ everything and u cant control their asses for us


The other side of the argument I heard was ISSA was gob from Futuh al Habash untill Ismacil Gheele and when he created that 'irir' which included 'isaaq' with HJ in it who obviously isn't anywhere in futuh al habash, they renovated the issa tomb to indicate we have penetrated into 'dir' now. That's how jews work, once the pentration has been done, they leave behind a sign for the jews of the future to check the ancient stories to find them and we are a 'sleeper' cell and will cause them to break down within themselves. Ismacil Gheele waa jebiyay beeshisha waa in arinta Dir Samaroon gacanta loogu dhiiba


It's obvious the habar jeclo were clearly marrying themselves at first sanbuur, solomadow, cibraan, but then mohamed abokor came clearly indicating his linked to sacad muse who has abokor clans and possibly married through them and said we reached the second stage of penetration, 'intermarriage'. The first stage is to acknowledge them in your clan, then mix with them, then it becomes seed conflict so the halal tribes break down and use that as a platform for HJ to become the leader with oromo support in ethiopia with israel supervision on how to continue penetration which further turned to 'somaliland separation' and next, let's join ethiopia, then let's join jerusalem. Then they deliver all magaade to israel and HJ says your welcome Israel and slaughters all muslim magaade and says we hate you because your not a jew, then after he slaughters them he takes HJ out and says, your only half jew to me, im full jew thru jacob and judah, your only thru solomon and sheba and amhara and oromo, he will take his out and then slaughter him.

That's how jews operate look at the history of israel, it was two kingdoms judah who is yahudi, and israel who is the rest of the tribe, they always fought becaue judah hated them and wanted them dead so he can take the name of israel for himself and say I AM THE DHAXAL OF GOD and defeated all mankind using these israeli tribes and agents and then I slaughtered them at the end to be the last one standing who will be the SNAKE accordin to old islam that the mahdi is stopping


That's why allah said do not mark your graves as muslim or any coffins and that, because that is sign to the jew your either a jew or your either an ally like christian, he leaves signs for later jews on identification markers when the jihad will happen which communities to seek assistance from based on their funeral practises which they know was given to them by inside agents of jews. The old islam thru jabarti council is different to this wahabi it's very ancient and links to the prophet time and quran. Jabarti council is public face in eritrea but they are the apostles of mohamed and are contacted to send 'wakiils' in secret to the real islam which underground now


We need to keep Somalia-Djibouti-Northern Kenya and Ogadenia and Eritrea totally separate and away from Ethiopia or Kenya proper because their both agents for jews, kenya thru britain, ethiopia thru america and ancient amhara links
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