Is Farmaajo the Ahmed Gurey or Sayid Abdulle Hassan of our time ?


500 years ago when Ahmed Gurey was alive there was no internet and information could not travel easily, during the Sayid only 120 years ago it was not much different from Ahmed Gureys age. Yet these two men managed to Galvanize Somalis and succeed against all odds, this is why they are remembered to this day. We are today living in the age of information, which means information travels not only instantly but also to many people at the same time. But while that is good there is also alot of garbage that comes with, yet In the political realm Farmaajo is the man who has the attention of everyone both enemies and allies as well as the masses and they follow him despite the disinformation and propaganda. this is why I think he is the Ahmed Gurey or Sayid Abdulle Hassan of our time and it has been like this since he first entered Somalia politics as Prime minister.

Its a great honour to be living in the era of Farmaajo there is still hope for Somalia.



Head of Somalia freemasonry branch
Farmajo was a former taxi driver from buffalo Nyc.
He came into politics poor and left it rich
Just like other African politicians

Keep it a boqol

All Praise Be To Allah In Every Situation!!!
Farmajo was a former taxi driver from buffalo Nyc.
He came into politics poor and left it rich
Just like other African politicians
this guy spent his early 20s, was a diplomat and was educated in america how the hell did he waste all those opportunities just to end up as a cab driver ? :mindblown:


لا تَقْنَطُوا مِنْ رَحْمَةِ اللَّه
when you become successful because of Qabiil Nepotism:
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We will always remember Emir Farmaajo nearly conquering Nairobi After the battle of machakos but was stopped by a coalition of western nations
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Garaad Awal

Zubeyri aka Targaryen of the Awalid Kingdom.
The guy has never even held a weapon before and yet he is supposed to be some reincarnation of the Ahmed bin Ibrahim Al Ghazi? What has Farmaajo accomplished that is equivalent to the Imam’s military successes in the field of battle?
Somali boys make good foot-soldiers for older Somali men. A cult of personality is all they need to sink their teeth into and there is no stopping them. The problem here is the fact that multiple cults are running rampant in the Somali peninsula today, and each boy is carrying the banner of his distant uncle who doesn’t even know them, at the expense of his own soul.

The boy will sacrifice his morality, and sense of justice to prop up the image of his uncle. The boy will dismiss or deny any crimes the esteemed leader has committed, and only sees his positives, yet denies such qualities are present in other so-called esteemed leaders propped up by other boys.

The rule is cognitive dissonance not cognitive consonance. The boy rejects the importance of institutions and instead prefers to worship an old human man until he is no longer a boy, and becomes an old man himself. In which case, he seeks to enslave the next generation of young Somali boys to worship the new generation of old Somali men. Meanwhile other nations continue to build and reinforce institutions that will last for centuries.
La xawla Wala quwata ila bilaah, guulwade yashi an ka reynsney lalabadoodi ma so noqotey, people who have cult personality have signs of mental retardation ,farmajo was propped up by bought up yes-men CCB and vengeful minority clans in Somalia , I've been going back to Mogadishu for the last 7 years quite frequently and it's 10 times safer now compared to when Mr farmajo was there


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