The reer kunfur have proven utterly incapable of governing themselves. They have chosen to worsen a civil war instead of negotiating, they have done nothing to prevent a preventable famine and the so called government is really in the pockets of the Turks, US and Khaliji arabs depending on the day. The SL military is more than capable of crushing the rag tag militias of the south and open negociations with alshabaab (damn what US says) so long as they agree to a 6mo ceasefire. And to be honest, no one would stop us. In fact i think amisom and the US would aid us because it means they cam stop pouring money into a sinking ship. Somaliland citizens will be the only ones allowed to govern and we can implement an education curriculum designed to civlize the barbarians of the south. Bring them out of jahilnimo and into islam after a period of 100yrs. Thoughts?