Is it time we use nerf footballs to make football halal and inclusive to please Muslims and SJWs?

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USC | Ururka Bililiqada iyo Kufsiga
Oh cmon. They are just taking the piss now. :mjcry:

We need to get them back wallahi.
I'm not a vegan or Muslim but tbh I don't really see a problem with the idea
If it's going to generate a bigger market for the sport and please everyone then go for it

I'd obviously go with a different design though, I don't know where he found that ball:susp:


USC | Ururka Bililiqada iyo Kufsiga
I'm not a vegan or Muslim but tbh I don't really see a problem with the idea
If it's going to generate a bigger market for the sport and please everyone then go for it

I'd obviously go with a different design though, I don't know where he found that ball:susp:

The whole video was made just to mock vegans and Muslims. Look at the stupid ball they chose.

These idiots are getting smarter.
this guy is obviously trying too hard to be controversial lol. it makes sense to change the ball for gym classes where your forced to play a certain sport but for a school team or a professional team where you volunteer, then it makes no sense to change it in that setting. but if it doesn't take away from the game and you don't feel the difference then i don't see the problem. I'm dead at the people not giving his bigotry the time of day though..oh canada <3


Gaalkacyo Gangster
These types of people (rebel, breitbart, inforwars) can only attack and make fun of SJWs and young, naive, well meaning young people. When they go after actual smart and well spoken people, they get karbashed.
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