Is Machiavellian Politics Is Killing Somalia?


Machiavellian politics which is a political philosophy about how to get and hold power is grounded in values which are terribly unsuitable for Somalis. Lying,, Cheating, Stealin, Deception is the fundamental pillars and the idea is grounded in if you don't serve a use or cost me or harm me then your expendable, it's usury for an end goal of getting power and staying in power. It's applied in workplace and politics.

The problem with this is these values are embedded in Somalis as a cultural trait unlike westerners who you could experiment with, when everyone is a liar, cheater, fraudulent, thief and usury is a well known value even if you help them they not only find it offensive but will work their hardest to destroy you. Machiavellian politics is ok as long as those are honest societies it doesn't work in societies who think honesty is a weakness.

So if U attempt Machiavellian politics, their already well educated on any or all tactics U may employ and why Somalia till today hasn't recovered, because this philosophy is about winners and losers which is zero sum 😂 which is how their social values are.

The ideas of win win, cooperation, negotiation, honesty, these are not something they can do, this philosophy is the only one that can work there as their very unprepared culturally for it, but if you execute Machiavelli politics here where everyone is a snake 🐍 your just entering a huge pit of failures, regrets, because their well versed and armed for it.


Nigga we not reading all of that. You as much of a problem as the problems you notice big bruh, start looking inwards

I'm only qabyalad with qabyalad ppl didn't U learn office politics adjust your communication to your audience lol. If I meet ppl who r genuine not to hand over and repeat the failed nation our parents handed us while their parents handed them better life, if I see they use reason, proof, show me evidence based approaches and their is genuine will not to repeat our failed parent legacy, I'm the first to adjust to such audience. But I don't see the audience in the current crop of leaders and generation I'm waiting for mine but I'm devastated ilwaad elman who has fallen to the status quo politics when she should know better.

