Is rape a huge problem in Somalia?

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It's a problem in every country. The main issue with rape in Somalia is that the perpetrators rape with impunity and victims of rape do not receive access to adequate support.


It's not like that. Every country has rapists and don't have a disproportionate number. Ignore all these reports there's always something else behind them like an entity seeking funding to supposedly end rape. All of these issues are money spinners for NGOs and the government.
According to the UNDP, Somalia has a low overall rate of sexual violence. In 2012, the reported nationwide prevalence rate ranged from 2% to 13%. Most incidents of sexual assault occurred within the context of the insurgency in southern Somalia. Over the first quarter of 2013, Amnesty International reported that 56.7% of victims in Mogadishu were internally displaced persons. According to the UN, there were at least 1,700 rape cases in IDP settlements in 2012. A third of the victims were under the age of 18. 70% of the perpetrators were armed men wearing uniforms, although it was not always clear whether they were members of militias, security forces or other individuals or groups

Wast Majority of Somalis in Somalia do not sexually abuse people. The majority who do that are Alshabaab, Amison and workers for the criminal damul jadiid govt. as weapons of war.

So in short Not really
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