Is Somalia Inferior Culture?

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I wonder where are the 'seedlings' for a civilization in Somalia. Where is the 'arts', literature', where is the metal making which is critical to create metal products. Most of the world invention couldn't happen without 'metal'. What the hell was Somalis doing for 2000 years in this barren waste-land? From one generation to the other generation do we not pass anything to the next generation to 'build upon'? do we just eat, shit, and die for thousands of years and that's all our contribution to humanity was?

The only achievement I see in Somalia is they had a 'tumaal' class which created 'metal tipped' spears. How deep is tumaal knowledge of metal making, what else were they able to create? could they create 'swords and daggers'? how far did their knowledge of metal extend too?

There cannot be a civilization without intimate knowledge of metal. If we have no knowledge of metal, this means we would be a stone-age society based on sticks and stones like the khoisans, aboriginals, and so forth. Somalis in general despise 'tumaal' did this ensure the death of any civilization in Somalia because our metal industry wasn't allowed to evolve over time like other civilizations did which could've led to us building motors, electricity, and many other things before Europeans?

I think it was due to Somali putting the 'tumaal' down and not appreciating metal work that caused our society to remain without big civilization. If we would've encouraged Tumaal to increase their knowledge on metals, we could've create monumental structures and would have seen these littered across the nation. I am studying 'tumaal' but they are secretive society and hard to find out how much metal knowledge they have or what their capabilities are like.

One of the 'eager' groups I want to meet in Somalia are 'tumaal' to quiz them about their history, metal making capabilities, and apologize for my ancestors for being so backwards not realising we were hurting ourselves by oppressing tumaal. Mechanics(metals) is one of the most important fields in the western world today.

Every society except stone-age societies like aboriginals and khoisans have metal making 'groups' among them. Was humanity a single original group out of africa, except the 'aboriginals and khoisans' who clearly kept onto the old way due to 'isolation' of their territories? It makes no sense why we share the same societal structure as the rest of the world which are usually Agriculturalists, Nomadic, Coastal and Metal makers.


Remember all 'kingdoms' are not civilizations. Kingdoms everyone had in Africa. It's just structured ruler and decision maker over a group of people. A civilization is actually CREATING SOMETHING.

Egypt, Rome, Greece are the biggest Civilizations the world has ever seen. Followed by the Islamic one. The rest were just kingdoms or trading states(like Somali was) kinda like we are now just import/export. That's not CREATING NOTHING, your just buyer or seller.


It's all so tiresome
Somali nomads just didn't have any use for it other than for weapons.

If we had to farm for our living then it would've been more widely used and developed.

It all leads back to our environment and our cursed climate.

Metal forming was already a known technology used in Ajuuran farms and across the highlands where they probably were in use for thousands of years.

Copper isn't that hard to find and it doesn't take a genius to figure out it's possible uses.

On the Tumaal...

We suppressed the Tumaal because they were an easy target.

Mostly lived in fixed settlements that the other tribes knew of.

I see them a bit like the Jews of medieval Europe who were distrusted and oppressed while also were depended on for their Riba services.

Unfortunately, unlike in Europe there were no powerful kings in Somali lands that could've protected them so they never developed past a certain stage.
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Somali nomads just didn't have any use for it other than for weapons.

If we had to farm for our living then it would've been more widely used and developed.

It all leads back to our environment and our cursed climate.

Metal forming was already a known technology used in Ajuuran farms and across the highlands where they probably were in use for thousands of years.

Copper isn't that hard to find and it doesn't take a genius to figure out it's possible uses.

On the Tumaal...

We suppressed the Tumaal because they were an easy target.

Mostly lived in fixed settlements that the other tribes knew of.

I see them a bit like the Jews of medieval Europe who were distrusted and oppressed while also were depended on for their Riba services.

Unfortunately, unlike in Europe there were no powerful kings in Somali lands that could've protected them so they never developed past a certain stage.

The whole world had metal makers, some used them and protected them and realized their use while others treated them like peasants or outcasts. Do u think that's what tipped the scales for some societies to progress while some 'reverted' into a decline?

Somalis went from primtive stone aged societies like aboriginals/khoisans and progressed into 'farmers' and 'nomads'. So we did past the stage of 'hunting' for our own food, we learned the art of taming animals or taming the soil. Both are quite remarkable achievements.

What disappoints me is since we secured our food source this should've of given us time to focus on development but we never did even though we had the 'tumaal' there just like europe had their 'smith' but we never took advantage of that but europe did.

We never surpassed 'kingdom' stage (ajuuran,majertenia,warsangeli) or city states along the coastal areas. We never reached the 'civilization' pinnacle of humanity. We are mid-class race due this in my opinion. We never got to the stage of opening up schools, language, hospitals, medicine, building monuments, astronomy, and all the ear marks of a civilization. We subsided only on 'trade' that was the extent of our civilization at it's pinnacle.

what's your input @RasCanjero
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@RasCanjero mind you were are far worser now then we ever have been in history. At least in the past we had some form of kingdom(Ruler) majertenia, warsangeli, ajuuran etc or city states like Mogadishu, Barawe, Zaylac, etc that dotted our coastline. Today we are don't even have a kingdom or ruler loooooool nor city states. We are the worst point of our journey into becoming a civilization. We cud combine city states(coastal settlers) and kingdoms(tribal somalis) an form some sort of 'emirate'.

We can't even be a normal country like the rest of the world which mostly are not civilizations. The only civilization to exist today is the 'western world' they are the ones who are creating things and innovating and making inventions. The rest are 'city states' which is the 'majority' of the world or 'kingdoms' like the gulf regions.

We as Somalia should've of been at the 'gulf level' today being a 'kingdom or Emirate' and then moved towards becoming a civilization. We are trying to jump from zero to hero.From nothing to western democracy. We need some sort of '100 year' gap period where we just learn how to function as a city state or kingdom. The west had a 'gap period' they had numbers of kings keeping it stable before they move into democracy.

They didn't go from the 'dark ages' in europe to a 'western democracy' over night like Somalia is trying to do. I wish we had people who think outside the box in Somalia. We need to create a 'emirate' similar to UAE and keep it stable in our lands for at least the next 100-200 years and then our kids can begin the process of turning into a civilization, but it takes time. It took Europe a thousand year journey from dark age to kingdoms to dictators(colonialists) then finally democracy.


Reformation of Somaliland
I wonder where are the 'seedlings' for a civilization in Somalia. Where is the 'arts', literature', where is the metal making which is critical to create metal products. Most of the world invention couldn't happen without 'metal'. What the hell was Somalis doing for 2000 years in this barren waste-land? From one generation to the other generation do we not pass anything to the next generation to 'build upon'? do we just eat, shit, and die for thousands of years and that's all our contribution to humanity was?

The only achievement I see in Somalia is they had a 'tumaal' class which created 'metal tipped' spears. How deep is tumaal knowledge of metal making, what else were they able to create? could they create 'swords and daggers'? how far did their knowledge of metal extend too?

There cannot be a civilization without intimate knowledge of metal. If we have no knowledge of metal, this means we would be a stone-age society based on sticks and stones like the khoisans, aboriginals, and so forth. Somalis in general despise 'tumaal' did this ensure the death of any civilization in Somalia because our metal industry wasn't allowed to evolve over time like other civilizations did which could've led to us building motors, electricity, and many other things before Europeans?

I think it was due to Somali putting the 'tumaal' down and not appreciating metal work that caused our society to remain without big civilization. If we would've encouraged Tumaal to increase their knowledge on metals, we could've create monumental structures and would have seen these littered across the nation. I am studying 'tumaal' but they are secretive society and hard to find out how much metal knowledge they have or what their capabilities are like.

One of the 'eager' groups I want to meet in Somalia are 'tumaal' to quiz them about their history, metal making capabilities, and apologize for my ancestors for being so backwards not realising we were hurting ourselves by oppressing tumaal. Mechanics(metals) is one of the most important fields in the western world today.

Every society except stone-age societies like aboriginals and khoisans have metal making 'groups' among them. Was humanity a single original group out of africa, except the 'aboriginals and khoisans' who clearly kept onto the old way due to 'isolation' of their territories? It makes no sense why we share the same societal structure as the rest of the world which are usually Agriculturalists, Nomadic, Coastal and Metal makers.

"A Somali always felt himself to be twice as good as any white man, or any other kind of man at all, and still does, even when he is wrong. Islam does wonders for the self respect of non-white people and Christianity is right to worry about the spread of Islam in Africa, and must honestly face the question of why it has happened - "

"Of all the desicated, bitter, cruel, sunbeaten wildernesses which starve and thirst beyond the edges of Africa's luscious, jungled centre, there cannot be one more Christless than the one which begins at the northern foot of Mount Kenya and stretches to the foothills of Abyssinia, and from there to the dried-out glittering tip of Cape Gardafui where the hot karif winds blow in from where the long sharks race under the thin blue skin of the ocean. You can never think of those wildernesses without thinking of daggers and spears, rolling fierce eyes under mops of dusty black crinkly hair, of mad stubborn camels, rocks too hot to touch, and blood feuds whose origins cannot be remembered, only honoured in the stabbing. But of all the races of Africa there cannot be one better to live among than the most difficult, the proudest, the bravest, the vainest, the most merciless, the friendliest; the Somalis."

"I never saw a Somali who showed any fear of death, which, impressive though it sounds, carries within it the chill of pitilessness and ferocity as well. If you have no fear of death you have none for anybody else's either, but that fearlessness has always been essential to the Somalis who have had to try and survive hunger, disease and thirst while prepared to fight and die against their enemies, their fellow Somalis for pleasure in the blood feud, or the Ethiopians who would like to rule them, or the white men who got in the way for a while."

"There is no one alive as tough as the Somali nomad. No one.
An askari wounded in a fight in the Haud country walked 14 miles holding his guts in his hand, was sewn up and lived to soldier again. And the women are as spiritually strong as their men."

"....You get into that way of thinking in the Somali way. You think that way because the Somalis bitterly resent the white man, and struggle continually, and admirably, by lies and intrigue, to fight off his influence which spells the end of their peculiar world. You cannot beat them. They have no inferiority complexes, no wide-eyed worship of the white man's ways, and no fear of him, of his guns or of his official anger. They are a race to be admired, if hard to love."

"The British colonials always sympathized with the Somalis, as they were free and could do whatever they want, some British were Somaliphiles while a Somali wouldn't hesitate in killing a British person. Somalis deeply hated the White man and all Ajnabis (Non-Somalis)".
The Somalis in the neighborhood are treacherous, proud, and turbulent, and the Governor and his guard are really prisoners in on the forts which they built"-Italian Somalia

"If the British didn't come in Kenya the Somalis and their cousins the Borana warlike nomadic people from the north would've wiped the Kikuyu (Bantu natives of Kenya), who were in fear of these marauding nomads".

"If a Somali offers himself to a foreigner whether Black or White abroad and says he/she wants to marry him, he/she does not out of love but to gain citizenship and bring his/her family and throw that person in the garbage."

"All the Africans in Africa except for North Africans and other Horn of Africans of whom they are cousins consider the Somalis an undesirable bunch and a deceitful people. Most African nations except for the Arab nations and the North Africans have refused to accept them. Those who did, like Kenya, South Africa, and Uganda the economy is now in their hands."

"If a Somali gets in trouble in Kenya or any of these African nations that took Somalis in, all a Somali has to do is bribe him with a few dollars and nothing happens".

"A Somali can be extremly cruel and murderous towards other Somalis if they have no other enemies around, but as soon as an enemy attacks them they all form a union and forget their problems because now they have a common enemy".

"The Ethiopians of whom are called "Highland People" and the Somalis of whom are called "Lowland People" have been enemies since the Somalis rebelled and separated from them. Both have a desire to rule each other, but history has showed European meddling to stop this".

"In Somali oral history the Hyena is a representation of cowardice and especially a representation of non-Somali peoples who are enemies towards them, while the fox who is a representation of cunning, intelligence, and deceit is important because its a representation of the Somali people".

"The Somalis boast that over 100 nations came to their land to conquer but yet never did this includes: Britons, Germans, Italians, French, Ethiopians, Greeks, Arabs, Persians, and so on. And they were all defeated especially the well armed White Man".

"A Somali was never taken to jail lest he may die in there, the Europeans would spare of him of it because of the many arguments of the Somali people, that prisons were only for slaves and foreigners".

"It always seemed that the Somali along with his camel seemed to view the White stranger in the homeland with equal contempt".

"White men and women couldn't have children in British Somaliland if they wanted to they had to bear their children elsewhere, this was a law of the Somali elders. If White children were to be born in any Somali lands the child would be killed or taken away and be raised as a Muslim."


Islamic Fanfiction Writer
The first time I agree with you. Somalis are just average in terms of civilization. We never united, but hey we conquered large parts of Ethiopia. We had a written language, only most people never used it. We had a sort-of control of the Maldives. We traded extensively with other empires. We’re just average, boring old average. Like I can flex on Paupa New Guineans but I can’t do the same with a Greek person.


No dictator can imprison a population forever.
Read up on the various Kingdoms of Somali people. We fought and defeated European powers and colonised lands far from Somalia including Maldives and parts Tanzania. We had the strongest armies of medieval Africa and defeated Abyssinia time and again ( they have wanted our coast for centuries). Other kingdoms of Arabs and Africans had to pay Somali Kings tribute. There are scholarly books out there but here is a starter. Plenty of culture just lack of education is the issue


I ❤️ Islam & Aabo Kush. Anti-BBB Anti-Inbred
The first time I agree with you. Somalis are just average in terms of civilization. We never united, but hey we conquered large parts of Ethiopia. We had a written language, only most people never used it. We had a sort-of control of the Maldives. We traded extensively with other empires. We’re just average, boring old average. Like I can flex on Paupa New Guineans but I can’t do the same with a Greek person.


Seeker of knowledge and truth
Nomadic culture is inferior settled culture is always advanced because of exchanges of ideas and trade what the fock exchange of idea can be made with a nomad


The first time I agree with you. Somalis are just average in terms of civilization. We never united, but hey we conquered large parts of Ethiopia. We had a written language, only most people never used it. We had a sort-of control of the Maldives. We traded extensively with other empires. We’re just average, boring old average. Like I can flex on Paupa New Guineans but I can’t do the same with a Greek person.
eh greek history isn't that good other than the brief period of leoniadas , these guys were literally cucks for the Persians/ romans and the ottomans who ruled them and were their overlords:farmajoyaab: even today china owns all their assets like their ports and its a poor destitute country that is being kept above float by the EU:mahubowtf: almost all their inventions already existed in china and their most famous person wasn't even a greek but a Macedonian:noneck:


European civilization is vastly overrated:farmajoyaab:
and copied most of their "inventions" from china:mahubowtf:
Portugal losing to the ajuraan when it was supposed to be the world super power
and Japan wiping the floor with Russia before world war one(the last time they were considered the most advanced, by then America took the mantle and made actual advancements) really shows how overrated its become in hindsight:shookgabre: gun powder was made in china as was paper and the printing press, the turks made the guns, ottomans introduced light to the europeans through candles,:mahubowtf: the horse carriage was created thousands of years ago :faysalwtf: literally their only real advancement was the steam train:ileycry: before America ran away with the industrial revolution creating modern technology these guys were riding horse carriages with candle lights to read books printed on the Chinese printing press:yacadiim:


Islamic Fanfiction Writer
European civilization is vastly overrated:farmajoyaab:
and copied most of their "inventions" from china:mahubowtf:
Portugal losing to the ajuraan when it was supposed to be the world super power
and Japan wiping the floor with Russia before world war one(the last time they were considered the most advanced, by then America took the mantle and made actual advancements) really shows how overrated its become in hindsight:shookgabre: gun powder was made in china as was paper and the printing press, the turks made the guns, ottomans introduced light to the europeans through candles,:mahubowtf: the horse carriage was created thousands of years ago :faysalwtf: literally their only real advancement was the steam train:ileycry: before America ran away with the industrial revolution creating modern technology these guys were riding horse carriages with candle lights to read books printed on the Chinese printing press:yacadiim:
What Greek person hurt you?:faysalwtf:
Ok then I’ll change my statement, I can flex on Paupa New Guineans but I can’t do the same with a Chinese.
"A Somali always felt himself to be twice as good as any white man, or any other kind of man at all, and still does, even when he is wrong. Islam does wonders for the self respect of non-white people and Christianity is right to worry about the spread of Islam in Africa, and must honestly face the question of why it has happened - "

"Of all the desicated, bitter, cruel, sunbeaten wildernesses which starve and thirst beyond the edges of Africa's luscious, jungled centre, there cannot be one more Christless than the one which begins at the northern foot of Mount Kenya and stretches to the foothills of Abyssinia, and from there to the dried-out glittering tip of Cape Gardafui where the hot karif winds blow in from where the long sharks race under the thin blue skin of the ocean. You can never think of those wildernesses without thinking of daggers and spears, rolling fierce eyes under mops of dusty black crinkly hair, of mad stubborn camels, rocks too hot to touch, and blood feuds whose origins cannot be remembered, only honoured in the stabbing. But of all the races of Africa there cannot be one better to live among than the most difficult, the proudest, the bravest, the vainest, the most merciless, the friendliest; the Somalis."

"I never saw a Somali who showed any fear of death, which, impressive though it sounds, carries within it the chill of pitilessness and ferocity as well. If you have no fear of death you have none for anybody else's either, but that fearlessness has always been essential to the Somalis who have had to try and survive hunger, disease and thirst while prepared to fight and die against their enemies, their fellow Somalis for pleasure in the blood feud, or the Ethiopians who would like to rule them, or the white men who got in the way for a while."

"There is no one alive as tough as the Somali nomad. No one.
An askari wounded in a fight in the Haud country walked 14 miles holding his guts in his hand, was sewn up and lived to soldier again. And the women are as spiritually strong as their men."

"....You get into that way of thinking in the Somali way. You think that way because the Somalis bitterly resent the white man, and struggle continually, and admirably, by lies and intrigue, to fight off his influence which spells the end of their peculiar world. You cannot beat them. They have no inferiority complexes, no wide-eyed worship of the white man's ways, and no fear of him, of his guns or of his official anger. They are a race to be admired, if hard to love."

"The British colonials always sympathized with the Somalis, as they were free and could do whatever they want, some British were Somaliphiles while a Somali wouldn't hesitate in killing a British person. Somalis deeply hated the White man and all Ajnabis (Non-Somalis)".
The Somalis in the neighborhood are treacherous, proud, and turbulent, and the Governor and his guard are really prisoners in on the forts which they built"-Italian Somalia

"If the British didn't come in Kenya the Somalis and their cousins the Borana warlike nomadic people from the north would've wiped the Kikuyu (Bantu natives of Kenya), who were in fear of these marauding nomads".

"If a Somali offers himself to a foreigner whether Black or White abroad and says he/she wants to marry him, he/she does not out of love but to gain citizenship and bring his/her family and throw that person in the garbage."

"All the Africans in Africa except for North Africans and other Horn of Africans of whom they are cousins consider the Somalis an undesirable bunch and a deceitful people. Most African nations except for the Arab nations and the North Africans have refused to accept them. Those who did, like Kenya, South Africa, and Uganda the economy is now in their hands."

"If a Somali gets in trouble in Kenya or any of these African nations that took Somalis in, all a Somali has to do is bribe him with a few dollars and nothing happens".

"A Somali can be extremly cruel and murderous towards other Somalis if they have no other enemies around, but as soon as an enemy attacks them they all form a union and forget their problems because now they have a common enemy".

"The Ethiopians of whom are called "Highland People" and the Somalis of whom are called "Lowland People" have been enemies since the Somalis rebelled and separated from them. Both have a desire to rule each other, but history has showed European meddling to stop this".

"In Somali oral history the Hyena is a representation of cowardice and especially a representation of non-Somali peoples who are enemies towards them, while the fox who is a representation of cunning, intelligence, and deceit is important because its a representation of the Somali people".

"The Somalis boast that over 100 nations came to their land to conquer but yet never did this includes: Britons, Germans, Italians, French, Ethiopians, Greeks, Arabs, Persians, and so on. And they were all defeated especially the well armed White Man".

"A Somali was never taken to jail lest he may die in there, the Europeans would spare of him of it because of the many arguments of the Somali people, that prisons were only for slaves and foreigners".

"It always seemed that the Somali along with his camel seemed to view the White stranger in the homeland with equal contempt".

"White men and women couldn't have children in British Somaliland if they wanted to they had to bear their children elsewhere, this was a law of the Somali elders. If White children were to be born in any Somali lands the child would be killed or taken away and be raised as a Muslim."


Where did you find these great quotes from?

Do you have a link?
I don't believe Somalis could continue to exist as a culture without Western food donations and the protection of the international system from invasion.

Somali culture is entirely unsuited for modernity and it does not adapt well to change. It needs to be discarded totally.
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