Shut up
It's paying for being a jaahil country.
Islam isn't something inherited. These people don't live according to the deen. They never learned it. How many people are circumcising their daughters for no reason? How many are killing people, robbing people, doing drugs? How many Somalis understand what the word Allah means?
Somalia is a jaahil country where the deen is nonexistent and only Allah knows who is a Muslim.
For every 1 of these, there are 100 who do evil things or do things that are ignorant in Somalia. Like forcing children to recite quran when they don't understand a single word, so they grow up hating and never critically thinking or engaging in anything.Yet universally Somalis are known to be people with Imaan. I have countless of Muftis and Imaam i listen to on YOUTUBE mention somali deed imaan with unquestionable envy. How can u balance these two reality then?
For every 1 of these, there are 100 who do evil things or do things that are ignorant in Somalia. Like forcing children to recite quran when they don't understand a single word, so they grow up hating and never critically thinking or engaging in anything.
I actually do think so.
Children grow up hating the Qur'an. So they dontd think critically about morals and ethics and it's not like wr teach those things outside of the context of the deen in Somali culture.
Westerb civilisation is doing good because they have thrown out tribalism, and a lot of their countries engage in humanitarianism.
Got a notification telling me “my thread was moved”
Which thread was that?
This one lol
I just got a notification saying Siyaad Baare was a pedophiler
r u okey?
Hawiye people were tired of being maids and janitors in Somalia, so they hatched up a plan to take over Somalia. It's like South Africa, the black South Africans still don't know how to run South Africa, hawiye destroyed Muqdisho and now are being ruled by the same people they wanted to overthrow. husband is hawiya