There's a sahib Hadith which says :
"Verily Allah will not make Muhammad's Community agree on error". This means Allah won't let the ummah go astray. As we know we have many things were scholars have differing opinions but at least the basic most important stuff (aqeeda) should be the same right? Nope. Muslims are divided also in this. Let's make and example: the majority of the ummah in the world follows the Ashari or maturidi Aqeeda while the athari/salafis are only a minority even though they are very vocal and prominent online. If the Ashari Aqeeda is false then it means Allah allowed the ummah to go astray and it denies the Hadith. If the Hadith is correct then the ummah cannot agree on falsehood so the aqeeda followed by the majority of the ummah and their scholars is correct. Does this Hadith mean that the majority of the ummah/scholars will never agree on error?
"Verily Allah will not make Muhammad's Community agree on error". This means Allah won't let the ummah go astray. As we know we have many things were scholars have differing opinions but at least the basic most important stuff (aqeeda) should be the same right? Nope. Muslims are divided also in this. Let's make and example: the majority of the ummah in the world follows the Ashari or maturidi Aqeeda while the athari/salafis are only a minority even though they are very vocal and prominent online. If the Ashari Aqeeda is false then it means Allah allowed the ummah to go astray and it denies the Hadith. If the Hadith is correct then the ummah cannot agree on falsehood so the aqeeda followed by the majority of the ummah and their scholars is correct. Does this Hadith mean that the majority of the ummah/scholars will never agree on error?