Is there any Sabaean/Himyaritic texts in Somaliweyn?

Emir of Zayla

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The Horn and more specifically Northern Somalia has a rich and long history of trading and cultural/genetic interaction with these kingdoms and looking at the distance and amount of trade we had with them, I would expect and wouldnโ€™t be surprised to find any texts or inscriptions of Himyarite/Sabaean origin or influences on our culture that had us writing in their script and/or language before the Pre-Islamic age. Kinda like how Axumites wrote in Greek because of Ptolemaic Egyptโ€™s influence and trade with them before they got conquered by the Romans, so it would make sense to me if we found the same off our coasts as well. This claim that Somalis didnโ€™t regularly write down our history could be debunked if we found it.

For example, if we use Socotra for example, found on this small island off our coast were 250 texts/inscriptions all together in Indian Brฤhmฤซ, South Arabian, Ethiopic, Greek, Palmyrene and Bactrian languages written between the first century BCE and the sixth century CE.

Emir of Zayla

๐•น๐–†๐–™๐–Ž๐–”๐–“ ๐–”๐–‹ ๐•ป๐–”๐–Š๐–™๐–˜
Push this thread plz
Yes, some found recently in Xaafun. Please lurk more next time you have an unanswered, super vague question rather than making another thread that will inevitably end up as a chimpfest.
Sorry for bumping the thread since I didn't want to make a new one but did the Sabaeans or ancient Yemenis in general control any part of Somalia? We know that Sabaean writings and temples were found in Somalia and the Himyarites controlled parts of the East African coast

