Is there Somalis who practices Waaq religion??


Amaan Duule
If you're talking about modern Somali zoomers practicing some made-up version of Waaqism, then I guess there are some out there. If you're talking about ancient Waaqist groups that continue to exist to this day, then no, they don't exist. Somalis have been an entirely Muslim ethnic group since at least the 15th century.


If you're talking about modern Somali zoomers practicing some made-up version of Waaqism, then I guess there are some out there. If you're talking about ancient Waaqist groups that continue to exist to this day, then no, they don't exist. Somalis have been an entirely Muslim ethnic group since at least the 15th century.
Yeah a lot of zoomers start to practice especially on TikTok lol I see them everywhere
Is there Somalis who practices the Waaq religion in secret? They all hiding and pretending to be Muslim.
Waaqism among the Oromo (not a real religion or centralized in any way ) was created in the 1500s. What the people who lived in Somalia before the Somalis practiced is totally unknown, probably a primitive version of Sky worship like the Bayso.


It's the same as Norse religion. The only people who practice it are people who are non religious already.
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Is there Somalis who practices the Waaq religion in secret? They all hiding and pretending to be Muslim.
There used to still be hinterland Somali clans practicing waaq into the 1500s but Ahmad Gurey was the man who conquered and converted. The final nail of Islam in the peninsular.
Waaqism is a dead religion. Its the equivalent of an Italian saying that they believe in Zeus and idols at this point.
It's the same as Norse religion. The only people who practice it are people who are non religious already.
It’s the same as an Italian saying they worship a Slavic God. Somalis and Oromos split 7000 years ago, we are as related as Italians and Polish people.

again, wakh means heaven in Somali and somalioid languages. Oromos invented a fake religion during their expansion period of heaven worship, that’s why they say they had a Quran too but a cow ate it.
There used to still be hinterland Somali clans practicing waaq into the 1500s but Ahmad Gurey was the man who conquered and converted. The final nail of Islam in the peninsular.
By the time of axmed gurey all Somalis had been Muslim for hundreds of years.

El Nino

Cabsi cabsi
It’s the same as an Italian saying they worship a Slavic God. Somalis and Oromos split 7000 years ago, we are as related as Italians and Polish people.

again, wakh means heaven in Somali and somalioid languages. Oromos invented a fake religion during their expansion period of heaven worship, that’s why they say they had a Quran too but a cow ate it.
Waaq definitely also means God in our language, what does Caabudwaaq or Barwaaqo mean?


I put Books to the Test of Life
that waaq stuff is habeshi oromo nothing to do with somalis, hence somehow somalis where never mentioned in pre historical islam in sense the arch nemesis of the horn the pre islamic arabs mentioned the exitence of habeshas zanj and others.


Praise the Sky or Tears of the Sky. It means God in Oromo but heaven or the sky in Somali.
Eebe means God in Somali. Waaq is the sky god in the old religion. Oromo call it Waaqfeena idk what that means. The religion as we know it today is the Oromo version. Somalis have long discarded it completely for Islam. Only things that remain are probably some old stories, place names as previously mentioned & and other superficial stuff.


that waaq stuff is habeshi oromo nothing to do with somalis, hence somehow somalis where never mentioned in pre historical islam in sense the arch nemesis of the horn the pre islamic arabs mentioned the exitence of habeshas zanj and others.
What are you saying bro?
Habash didn't worship waaq they were Semetic polytheists. The highlanders worshipped hundreds of Pagan south arabian dieties they got from yemen. Before taking on Christianity during the Axumite empire in 400s AD.

Waaq is a east Cushitic Monotheistic religion. Practiced by nomadic tribes. There are no idols and we haven't found any. But these waaq niggas loved trees for some reason. Nomads in ancient times would pray to the sky god waaq for rainfall. It didn't have a standard belief system like the religions of the Abrahamic faiths. It was very much a bunch of tribal beliefs and stories, only thing that makes waaq different to other pagan faiths is that they didn't worship several gods and never used idols or personified the world in several gods. Like God of love and God of lightning bs you see in other pagans. The Waaqists seemed to practice a monotheistic worship of some invisible sky god that gave them rain every now and then. Apparently the crow is important to them.

Trees are important in Cushitic tradition in general, it's where the tribe would meet and discuss things. Sadly the tree has been used to represent paganism and waaqism due to certain oromos. The symbol of sitting under the tree as a place where matters are discussed has no connection to paganism. And is still practices by all Cushitic people in the region including countryside Somali towns.

