Is this for real what do they mean woman expire!!

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I was pissed when I saw this on YouTube like women expire bullshit!!...WTF expire do they mean in terms of looks??? If that's the case then by Allah u are the most shallow dameer on this planet....we all age at some point I heard woman age faster than men that's how they are created....I thought this was stereotype to bash xalimos but if this is true then that sad!! I ain't marrying no woman until Allah knows I wouldn't want anyone to say I'm old ass expired man u will get the ass whooping of the century!
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LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
I was pissed when I saw this on YouTube like women expire bullshit!!...WTF expire do they mean in terms of looks??? If that's the case then by Allah u are the most shallow dameer on this planet....we all age at some point I heard woman age faster than men that's how they are created....I thought this was stereotype to bash xalimos but if this is true then that sad!! I'm trying to be a single for a long time I wouldn't want anyone to say I'm expired u will get the ass whooping of the century!

So r u confessing u r a girl?

La Xawla

Long Live the Somali Republic
And indian women :bell:
Those ladies lose their looks by 25 acudubillah.
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