Is turkey sincere

Unfortunately beggars can’t be choosers. Some of you would rather Somalia stay poor than split 30% of the revenues with Turkey.

Dalac Bilaash

☠ Emperor of The Horn ☠
Unfortunately beggars can’t be choosers. Some of you would rather Somalia stay poor than split 30% of the revenues with Turkey.
These subhumáns don't understand nothing is free Somalia will need billions of dollars with high interest to extract it's natural resources and that could bankrupt the entire economy of the country or either bow down to the west and get drained like Nigeria,Syria,Iraq and Libya the deal with Turkey is the best deal of the 21st century I was looking at Senegal an Australian Oil Company took 82% and gave Senegal only 18% that's what these niggas want
Turkey is probably the most sincere out of all Somalia’s partners. Of course nothing is for free… if we don’t have the money upfront for what they have to offer, then 30% sounds okay with me. Besides, it’s the best offer we’ve gotten, and should feel blessed by it (as long as it plays out ritchously honest
No one is sincere. It is all national interest.
There is no concept of 'kindness' in international relations. But having said that out of all of them Turkey is the more 'predisposed' one towards Somalia's national interest.


Head of Somalia freemasonry branch
Turkey is opportunistic like all other countries
There is nothing for free in this world

somalia entered into a business arrangement with Turkey
For 30% of blue economy revenue, Turkey will find oil and gas and build a nato class navy for somalia

This worked well for uzbekistan and they now have an amazing navy thanks to Turkey
Turkey is opportunistic like all other countries
There is nothing for free in this world

somalia entered into a business arrangement with Turkey
For 30% of blue economy revenue, Turkey will find oil and gas and build a nato class navy for somalia

This worked well for uzbekistan and they now have an amazing navy thanks to Turkey
saxiib what Navy can uzbekistan have when they are LAND LOCKED🤣🤣 + only under erdogan has uzbekistan and turkey cozied up before that they were on bad terms.

if turkey find oil it will be pocketes by them with peanuts towards the corrupt gov who will also pocket the small change left.
Probably not but most of the agreements they enter with turkey are short term (10-20 years). So at least it’s not long term exploitation.

One thing that interests me though, is turkeys policy towards us post erdogan. Do you guys think there will be a massive change?

Internet Nomad

Probably not but most of the agreements they enter with turkey are short term (10-20 years). So at least it’s not long term exploitation.

One thing that interests me though, is turkeys policy towards us post erdogan. Do you guys think there will be a massive change?
Depends on who replaces him

