Yasir Qadhi is happy to let the world know how patriotic he feels towards the US.
Where are they located???First mission as president will be to send out armies to find and destroy any evidence of ya'juj and ma'juj.
Idk.Where are they located???
whos sheikh sa'diI think Sheikh Sa'di in his book on the subject said the yajuj and majuj are the US, England, Russia and China.
whos sheikh sa'di
why is he waffling
He said the USA was ya'juj and ma'juj?You should be careful of how you speak about him. Sheikh Sa'di was a respected scholar of the sunnah.
Instead of posting cut and paste videos to paint Yasir Qadhi in a certain way, maybe you should seek as much clarification from him first. When a scholar or a well known Muslim speaker makes a mistake in public, the first thing you should do is understand the context, seek as much clarification from the scholar as possible as you can and ask whether they may have changed their views or not, it’s not up to an ignorant layman to look down on him or undermine his credibility and call him a “sellout”, if I were you I would be fearing for my Imaan right now.
Yasir Qadhi is happy to let the world know how patriotic he feels towards the US.
Again, Yasir Qadhi didn’t say anything wrong here either. The Ashari, Maturidi and Athari schools of Aqeedah have produced many great scholars and a Muslim layman is not an innovator for following any of these 3 schools of creed. You’re not an innovator if you follow Ibn Taymiyyah or Imam Ghazali even though those 2 great scholars had opposing creeds. The more depth you dive into Aqeedah, the more complex and academic it becomes and your average layman Muslim is not obliged to know everything, he’s only obliged to know the doctrines and practices that are essential (Allah’s oneness, 6 articles of faith etc). Speculative theology is a very complex and academic discussion and this should be left to the scholars and one’s belief in Islam and Sunnism isn’t defined by speculative theology. Sadly, the streets are debating them.I actually came because I wanted to post this
it is tragic for people to go with someone like Yasir Qadhi versus the real scholars. Yasir Qadhi is blatantly a sellout to the West.
He said the USA was ya'juj and ma'juj?
That’s ridiculous
Yasir Qadhi is happy to let the world know how patriotic he feels towards the US.