Islam appreciation thread

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We star in movies NASA pay to watch
It seems like there is an endless tirade against Islam both online and in the real world, so shout out to those who hold tight to their deen.

Im so far from being a good Muslim but i know the World is nothing short of a deception and im glad i came back to Allah when He took everything away from me.

For those who are wondering what my story is, i was once successful by every definition. Had money, was married, great colleagues and family etc somewhere along the way i got ahead of myself and i didn't appreciate what i had. I stopped praying, got into gambling and was on the verge of going to LA without my wife even knowing. Yes i was lying to her. To my defence i found out she was going to be unfaithful (i won her over from another guy when we first got hooked so maybe our relationship was built on something bad to start with? Idunno) anyway pretty much everything else in my life took a turn for the worse.

I write this with tears in my eyes since it's the last day of Ramadan and i want you all to go away with something useful. I caused a lot of upset in my family household and my Dad passed away from a heart attack in the same week i lost my job and my wife too. Now you'd be suprised that none of this broke me down, shit happens so what? What really got to me was the shittyness i got from my "freinds". The very people who encouraged every bad thing in my life at this point. I felt like if i atleast have my freinds in my life then it's all good.

They told me to lay it off and hit up LA with them anyway. Like bruh seriously? I just lost everything that mattered in this World and you want me to still indulge in shit that got me to this dark place i'm in already? They couldn't understand my concerns and went without me anyway. I didn't expect them to feel sorry for me but a bit of support would have helped.

Thats when i woke up. The only people who matter to you are those who care about your Hereafter.
I wouldn't even say "family>friends" because sometimes family can be as selfish as everyone else. On the day of Ressurection you'll be cursing your friends, guys. Stay with people who uplift your deen because you'll be answerable for yourself one day.

I thank Allah everyday that He showed me what a failure i can be. I turned a new leaf and alhamdulilah i got my life back. I have rekindled my relationship with my family and got into a new career.

Some of us have been tested in life and i pray Allah keeps you firm in standing up to it. To those who haven't, please learn to appreciate what you have and stay humble. You never know what is waiting around the corner for.

May Allah accept our Ramadan and guide us to the straight path.

Early Eid Mubarak everyone
"The only people who matter to you are those who care about your Hereafter" - so well said, brother. May Allah reward you for your patience and grant you Jannat-ul-Firdaus, Ameen.

Eid Mubarak.
Thank you for sharing this story brother.
Very deep and wise words.
This can be a candle of hope for someone going through similar circumstances in their life right now, and a reminder of how flimsy life in general is for others.
May Allah bless you and Eid Mubarak brother.
I appreciate you sharing this sxb. Islam helps us transcend beyond all boundaries. Inshallah we will all rejoice in jannatul fardows alcacla:rejoice:
Thanks for sharing this bro. I couldn't hold my tears reading it.

You are an inspiration. May Allah open the best doors for you in this life and the hereafter ameen
"They intend to put out the Light of Allah (i.e. the religion of Islam, this Qur'an, and Prophet Muhammad
) with their mouths. But Allah will complete His Light even though the disbelievers hate (it)."

"He it is Who has sent His Messenger (Muhammad
) with guidance and the religion of truth (Islamic Monotheism) to make it victorious over all (other) religions even though the Mushrikun (polytheists, pagans, idolaters, and disbelievers in the Oneness of Allah and in His Messenger Muhammed
) hate (it)."

{ Surah As-Saff, Verse 8 & 9}
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