(an excellent read you will not waste your time reading this i ecourage you to understand this post )
there are many so called scholars preaching some very hatefull and racist shit even to the top the likesof ibn taymiayah and al-albani who are both the top scholars of salafia they are called 'scholars of islam '
the former infamously said this
shaykh al-Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah in his IqtiDaa’ Siraat al-Mustaqeem, volume 1, page 419:
فإن الذي عليه أهل السنة والجماعة اعتقاد أن جنس العرب أفضل من جنس العجم عبرانيهم وسريانيهم رومهم وفرسهم وغيرهم وأن قريشا أفضل العرب وأن بني هاشم أفضل قريش وأن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم أفضل بني هاشم فهو أفضل الخلق نفسا وافضلهم نسبا
Indeed it is the belief of the Ahlus-Sunnah wal Jama’ah that the race of Arabs is superior to the race of non-Arabs, the Hebrews (Jews), the Syrians (Arameans), the Romans (Europeans), the Persians, and others. And indeed the Quraysh [tribe of the Prophet (S)] is the most superior among the Arabs. And indeed the Banu Hashim [the clan of the Prophet (S)] is the most superior among the Quraysh. And indeed the Prophet, may the Blessings and Peace of Allaah be upon him, is the most superior of the Banu Hashim, for he is the most superior of all creation by his own self, and also the most superior among them because of his lineage (ancestry).
and even lying and twisting the words of our prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) to suit their own arab nationalism or hateful ideology
(The Prophet(S) said): ‘I am Muhammad bin ‘Abdullah bin ‘Abdul-Muttalib. Indeed, Allah created the creation and made me from the best of them, and He then made them two groups (Arabs and non-Arabs) and made me from the best of them (the Arabs), then He made the tribes and made me from the best tribe, then He made the houses and made me from the best house. So I am the best house among them, and I am the best person among them.'”
This narration has been recorded and authenticated by Shaykh Albani in his Saheeh Jami` al-Sagheer, hadith number 1472 (the book (in Arabic) can be read here: http://www.alalbany.net/4314)
and here ibn taymiyah is saying they are superior because of their morals or charachter
Ibn Taymiyyah writes:
وسبب هذا الفضل والله أعلم ما اختصوا به في عقولهم وألسنتهم وأخلاقهم وأعمالهم وذلك أن الفضل إما بالعلم النافع وإما بالعمل الصالح
This reason for this favor, and Allah knows best, is because of the quality of their minds, their language, their character, and their deeds. That is the favor, whether it is by beneficial knowledge or whether it is by righteous deeds.
Source: Iqtiḍā’ al-Ṣirāṭ al-Mustaqīm 1/447
also many shcolars believe that arabs are superior to non-arabs too
وجمهور العلماء على أن جنس العرب خير من غيرهم، كما أن جنس قريش خير من غيرهم، وجنس بني هاشم خـير مــن غيرهــم.
"And majority of the scholars believe that the arab race is better than the others, likewise race of Quraish is better than others. And race of Banu Hashim is better than others."
“…This was the position of Imam Ahmed (rahimahulla) and the majority of Ahlul ‘Ilm.”
Iqtidaa As-Siraatil-Mustaqeem 2/421
and here is another major scholar saying that the deeds of an arab are greater than the deeds of a non-arab and the arabs or more clever and good mannered than non-arabs bismilah this is pure bidah
the words of Imaam Shaykhul-Islam Muhamamd Naasiru-Deen al-Albanee
He said in Assilsilah Adda’eefah 163:
“The (جنس(deeds)) of Arabs is better than the (جنس(deeds)) of the rest of nations. This is what I believe, adopt as creed and consider as part of religion.
Even though I am Albanian, I am a Muslim, praise to Allah.
The virtue of the (جنس) of Arabs is the position of Ahlussunnah Waljamaa’ah. It is proven by many Hadeeths.”
We should not forget the reason why Arabs deserved this virtue. It is because of their intellect, speech ability, manners and deeds, which made them eligible to carry the Islamic Dawah to other nations.”
what im about to write next will shock you so much but pls no islam does not support this nor has allah said any group is better than another because of their skin or leniage
Shaikhul Islaam ibn Taymiyyah said in Iqtidaa’ As-siraatal-Mustaqeem:
The belief of Ahlussunnati waJamaa’ah is that the essence of Arabs is better than that of ‘Ajam(non-arabs), whether the ‘Ajam are Hebrew, Assyrians, Romans, Persians or others.
bismillah thats not even there yet
The virtue of Arabs, Quraish and then Bani Hashim is not just because the Prophet (SWS)) was from them, even though this is a part of virtue. Arabs are in themselves better. This is how it is proven that the Prophet ASWS is the best in person and lineage. Otherwise, a revolving argument will generate.
Final Words from ibn Taymiyyah’s Iqtidaa’:
“This is proof that disliking Arab’s and taking them as enemies is Kufur, or a reason for Kufur. Arabs are better than others, loving them is a reason for increasing Imaan. Had the prohibition of disliking Arabs been just like that of disliking other nations then disliking Arabs would not have been characterized as a reason to depart religion and dislike the Prophet ASWS. This proves that disliking them is worse than disliking others ...
AND IF YOU DO NOT BELIEVE THAT ARABS ARE Superior you have left islam and deserve to be killed
Abu Muhammad Harb bin Ismail al-Kirmaani, the companion of Imam Ahmad, described his book of Sunnah by saying:
"This is the belief of Imaams of knowledge, those of Athar and well known people of Sunnah, which have been taken as examples. It is the belief of scholars of Iraq, Hijaaz, Sham and others.
Whomever goes against any of these Madhaahib, attacks them or despises those adopting them is a person of Bid’ah, he would be out side of Jamaa’ah, and inconsistent with the way of Sunnah and path of truth.
It is the Madhab of Ahmad, Ishaaq bin Ibrahim bin Makhlad, Abdullah bin Azzubair alHumaidee, Sa’eed bin Mansoor, and others with whom we have sat and from whom we have acquired knowledge.
These are the same scholars who radicalised millions of muslims to blow themeselves up
ill end this post with this hadith from our prophet
The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said:
“O people! Verily your Lord is One and your father [Adam] is one. An Arab is no better than a non-Arab, and a non-Arab is no better than an Arab; a red man is no better than a black man and a black man is no better than a red man – except if it is in terms of taqwa (piety)…”
(Reported by Imaam Ahmad, 22391; al-Silsilat al-Saheeh, 2700).
Rasulullah (pbuh) stated in a hadith, “At the end of time there will be ignorant worshipers and corrupt scholars.” (Hakim).
there are many so called scholars preaching some very hatefull and racist shit even to the top the likesof ibn taymiayah and al-albani who are both the top scholars of salafia they are called 'scholars of islam '
the former infamously said this
shaykh al-Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah in his IqtiDaa’ Siraat al-Mustaqeem, volume 1, page 419:
فإن الذي عليه أهل السنة والجماعة اعتقاد أن جنس العرب أفضل من جنس العجم عبرانيهم وسريانيهم رومهم وفرسهم وغيرهم وأن قريشا أفضل العرب وأن بني هاشم أفضل قريش وأن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم أفضل بني هاشم فهو أفضل الخلق نفسا وافضلهم نسبا
Indeed it is the belief of the Ahlus-Sunnah wal Jama’ah that the race of Arabs is superior to the race of non-Arabs, the Hebrews (Jews), the Syrians (Arameans), the Romans (Europeans), the Persians, and others. And indeed the Quraysh [tribe of the Prophet (S)] is the most superior among the Arabs. And indeed the Banu Hashim [the clan of the Prophet (S)] is the most superior among the Quraysh. And indeed the Prophet, may the Blessings and Peace of Allaah be upon him, is the most superior of the Banu Hashim, for he is the most superior of all creation by his own self, and also the most superior among them because of his lineage (ancestry).
and even lying and twisting the words of our prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) to suit their own arab nationalism or hateful ideology
(The Prophet(S) said): ‘I am Muhammad bin ‘Abdullah bin ‘Abdul-Muttalib. Indeed, Allah created the creation and made me from the best of them, and He then made them two groups (Arabs and non-Arabs) and made me from the best of them (the Arabs), then He made the tribes and made me from the best tribe, then He made the houses and made me from the best house. So I am the best house among them, and I am the best person among them.'”
This narration has been recorded and authenticated by Shaykh Albani in his Saheeh Jami` al-Sagheer, hadith number 1472 (the book (in Arabic) can be read here: http://www.alalbany.net/4314)
and here ibn taymiyah is saying they are superior because of their morals or charachter
Ibn Taymiyyah writes:
وسبب هذا الفضل والله أعلم ما اختصوا به في عقولهم وألسنتهم وأخلاقهم وأعمالهم وذلك أن الفضل إما بالعلم النافع وإما بالعمل الصالح
This reason for this favor, and Allah knows best, is because of the quality of their minds, their language, their character, and their deeds. That is the favor, whether it is by beneficial knowledge or whether it is by righteous deeds.
Source: Iqtiḍā’ al-Ṣirāṭ al-Mustaqīm 1/447
also many shcolars believe that arabs are superior to non-arabs too
وجمهور العلماء على أن جنس العرب خير من غيرهم، كما أن جنس قريش خير من غيرهم، وجنس بني هاشم خـير مــن غيرهــم.
"And majority of the scholars believe that the arab race is better than the others, likewise race of Quraish is better than others. And race of Banu Hashim is better than others."
“…This was the position of Imam Ahmed (rahimahulla) and the majority of Ahlul ‘Ilm.”
Iqtidaa As-Siraatil-Mustaqeem 2/421
and here is another major scholar saying that the deeds of an arab are greater than the deeds of a non-arab and the arabs or more clever and good mannered than non-arabs bismilah this is pure bidah
the words of Imaam Shaykhul-Islam Muhamamd Naasiru-Deen al-Albanee
He said in Assilsilah Adda’eefah 163:
“The (جنس(deeds)) of Arabs is better than the (جنس(deeds)) of the rest of nations. This is what I believe, adopt as creed and consider as part of religion.
Even though I am Albanian, I am a Muslim, praise to Allah.
The virtue of the (جنس) of Arabs is the position of Ahlussunnah Waljamaa’ah. It is proven by many Hadeeths.”
We should not forget the reason why Arabs deserved this virtue. It is because of their intellect, speech ability, manners and deeds, which made them eligible to carry the Islamic Dawah to other nations.”
what im about to write next will shock you so much but pls no islam does not support this nor has allah said any group is better than another because of their skin or leniage
Shaikhul Islaam ibn Taymiyyah said in Iqtidaa’ As-siraatal-Mustaqeem:
The belief of Ahlussunnati waJamaa’ah is that the essence of Arabs is better than that of ‘Ajam(non-arabs), whether the ‘Ajam are Hebrew, Assyrians, Romans, Persians or others.
bismillah thats not even there yet
The virtue of Arabs, Quraish and then Bani Hashim is not just because the Prophet (SWS)) was from them, even though this is a part of virtue. Arabs are in themselves better. This is how it is proven that the Prophet ASWS is the best in person and lineage. Otherwise, a revolving argument will generate.
Final Words from ibn Taymiyyah’s Iqtidaa’:
“This is proof that disliking Arab’s and taking them as enemies is Kufur, or a reason for Kufur. Arabs are better than others, loving them is a reason for increasing Imaan. Had the prohibition of disliking Arabs been just like that of disliking other nations then disliking Arabs would not have been characterized as a reason to depart religion and dislike the Prophet ASWS. This proves that disliking them is worse than disliking others ...
AND IF YOU DO NOT BELIEVE THAT ARABS ARE Superior you have left islam and deserve to be killed
Abu Muhammad Harb bin Ismail al-Kirmaani, the companion of Imam Ahmad, described his book of Sunnah by saying:
"This is the belief of Imaams of knowledge, those of Athar and well known people of Sunnah, which have been taken as examples. It is the belief of scholars of Iraq, Hijaaz, Sham and others.
Whomever goes against any of these Madhaahib, attacks them or despises those adopting them is a person of Bid’ah, he would be out side of Jamaa’ah, and inconsistent with the way of Sunnah and path of truth.
It is the Madhab of Ahmad, Ishaaq bin Ibrahim bin Makhlad, Abdullah bin Azzubair alHumaidee, Sa’eed bin Mansoor, and others with whom we have sat and from whom we have acquired knowledge.
These are the same scholars who radicalised millions of muslims to blow themeselves up
ill end this post with this hadith from our prophet
The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said:
“O people! Verily your Lord is One and your father [Adam] is one. An Arab is no better than a non-Arab, and a non-Arab is no better than an Arab; a red man is no better than a black man and a black man is no better than a red man – except if it is in terms of taqwa (piety)…”
(Reported by Imaam Ahmad, 22391; al-Silsilat al-Saheeh, 2700).
Rasulullah (pbuh) stated in a hadith, “At the end of time there will be ignorant worshipers and corrupt scholars.” (Hakim).