Islam Is Real. Proof Time


I want to show Muslims here on the spot the way to debate people, throwing around 'verses' and saying 'god said this and that' doesn't convince anyone, heck it doesn't even convince me. For example, you need to demonstrate what a world looks like without god by using the past as a narrative of what happens when there is no religion in the world, you turn out to be societies who can be taught to worship 'trees, animals, suns, moons, or even kings'. Heck some people would even worship their doctor till they find out he has no more 'cure' for them and then they will turn to some other man made thing that society has erected for them.

For example you can clearly see on 'las geel' cave painting in Hargeisa, 5000 years before our time what society was like. What the world would've of turned too, they decorated a 'damn cow' and started to worship it. Was it their fault? not exactly, how can you be at fault when you have no 'guidance' from god to begin with? an 'cawaan' is not an evil person at all, what is evil is when you do have guidance from god and you still reject it for your 'cawaan' ways like the early arabs did, that is not RIGHT at all. But an 'cawaan' who never had the word of god in my opinion will be treated like a 'jahil' or someone who is mentally 'retarded' in our society, it's not their fault at all, it only becomes their fault when they refuse the word of god for their 'cawaan ways'.

This has happened through-out history where god word was absent humans invented myths and made their people submit to those myths which have been proven to be man-made because or why else have they not 'lasted' the test of time all those man made systems of the past? the reason they don't last the test of time, it has no 'divine' origin, it's from someone 'mind' or 'brain' or 'time period', it has no divine intervention. Can this be said of the quran? No.

Look at the wisdom of the Quran, where it says god protected the Quran for all times. Can we test this? yes we can. Notice Muslims 'memorize' the quran? there is millions of 'hafiz' quran in each generation of the muslim world. So even if you destroy the 'kabah' or all the manuscripts, quranic books, you burn all their islamic libraries, it really doesn't matter, they can recreate it from 'scratch' constantly in each generation. But what can they rebuild back? only the quran NOTHING ELSE since this has been promised to be preserved and I just shown you how it is preserved, it's thru RECITATION. No book on earth is memorized from cover to cover hence this shows you their not from GOD at all and the works of men.

If I burn all the libraries and books of science, christianity, judaism, hinduism, buddhism, medicine, you name it!!! any field in the world, these people can never recover from it. Why? it's man made, it's not memorized, it's not intended to last forever. Heck even if you burn the hadith, nobody can recover it again. Why? cause the hadith is not inspired by god nor protected by him, this is an ancient islamic science made by men, it will perish along with the rest of the man made things. When Mohamed perished there were people who thought GOD perished, so if Mohamed can perish, it's obvious his 'legacy and hadith' will perish also. But there will be muslims who will fall for the hadith thinking there is no islam anymore like they fell for mohamed when he died. That's why the prophet was very adamant they don't focus on him or his legacy cause he probably feared this happening.


I am not saying the Hadith are incorrect, that's like saying medicine field is bad. All I am saying is, it's MAN MADE and anything MAN MADE will not last forever and isn't intended to be worshipped. The hadith is fine if it 'provides' guidance to you in the quran but never forget this is MAN MADE and never sent from GOD and never put FULL TRUST into it. Just like when you go to the doctor, you don't COLLAPSE AND WORSHIP HIM cause he helped with your 'medical condition' because there is a time he cannot 'help' you and you will die and the hadith are exactly the same, there is time, it can no longer help you.It will be left on earth like everything man made and only the quran which is MAHFUZ basically another HEAVENLY copy will be left on EARTH.

Do not ever make the word of allah and word of muhammad to be same, u will be committing the same errors of the jews and christians.


The way I use the hadith is this way.

1. Does it conflict with the Quran
2. Does it make me understand the religion deeper
3. I also rationalize the liklihood it's fake or incorrect since it's man made or the sciences used to grade failed. No science is perfect not even our modern sciences. Science is only a method and the method must adapt and change.
4. I end with allahu alam if this is wrong take me away from it
5. Follow the jama'ah the majority consensus, it's not wise your idea is superior yet only u believe in your idea and noone else does. If your idea is true put it before the jama'ah or shut the f*ck up and take a L. Every field in humanity has a 'commitee' and where the majority consensus is. The scientific consensus is the world is a sphere, that is where the jama'ah of science is. Not flat earther with his 300 member jama'ah can change the consensus of the millions unless u bring something to convince them and we need to be open to lone ideas because most of the ideas of the world have originated from lone wolfs but tell them CONVINCE US since this is a jama'ah society. Once u can convince the committee of ISLAM, they will do the rest and teach the ummah to your new teaching but before then, do not expect that to happen.


We should be grateful to the prophet leaving the Quran knowledge for MANKIND and not just banu hashim or his family like the Israelis used to do, leaving with the family like it's some 'dhaxaltoyo' LACNATULLAH ALAYKH. This means now hope can arise from anywhere in the islamic world, not just wait for hope from one little family or tribe. So they keep waiting for a messiah that will probably never come since the pool of hopefuls are linked to 'seeds' of jacob, isaac, waxoodi waa qabyalad. You need to be the right QABIIL before they even listen to u.

The prophet never had a son, they kept dying, why? cause it would probably turn into 'dhaxaltoyo' and god probably saw this. One family ruling the rest type of society like the SAUD, even though no hope is arising from it you will be stuck since they will hide the quran from you like the catholics did with the christians and the jews do with the jews. They always have to go to the rabbis or priests like OVERLORDS, that was very possible route for the muslims if god didn't INTERVENE and ensure no male line exists for mohamed. I bet you his male lineage is the UMMAH of Islam and whoever can keep resurrecting the ummah from the depth of jahiliya and restore his message.

U know what I don't hate jews for what they did, cause if god gave me his word i wud probably keep it as a dhaxal for my family to OVERLORD the rest of the world who were idolaters and pagans and making gods out of their own hands.


I re-emphasise the importance of the 'jama'ah' this is a good method to test the truth of something applying where the majority of consensus is, if your idea is true, it should pass the jama'ah test, if it's not it was probably not right to begin with and for you to keep holding onto it is terrible jahiliyah. It's like me saying the world is flat by following the flat earth society and ignoring the overwhelming consensus of scientists around the world. It's like me ignoring the overwhelming consensus of medical bodies because of some loony who wants me to accept his idea that only he or small group follow. This is unrealistic to ask of anyone and waa inaad is-gabata, noone enjoys following CONSPIRACY SHIT, it's fun for fun sake but people prefer to follow where the majority are.


So I do consider myself Sunni personally and think the system they have is the closest to perfection we can get from Mankind. I don't like the shia idea of 'royalty' system based on 'lineage' of the prophet being the deciders of billions of people when the quran explicitly said the best among u is the best in faith, the jama'ah will decide who is best among us and if u don't agree to that, your just being a ball buster and refusing the majority rule. If prophet wanted a kingdom to be born from Islam, god would've of given him a male descendant and he would've explicitly said that in the quran which they never did. The shia need to back off on that israeliyoon shit because lineage and all that nonsense is the promise ISRAEL was given not the PROMISE OF ISLAM. There is literally no tribe or nation in Islam, there is literally NO LINEAGE preference. The prophet had no son and they kept dying is another Sign god didn't intend for this ummah to be structured in that way.

Maybe some israeliyoon convert at the time who knows allahu alam was among the SHIA and knew of the israeli system and wanted to inject that nonsense into ISLAM and the innocent muslims followed their heart desires not knowing there was probably a kaffir or hypocrit among them. I keep jewish and christian women away from myself, they will corrupt your mind and u will make bad decisions in the end. If you want jewish and christian women use them as RIGHT HAND POSSESSION, PAY FOR THEIR SERVICES, MARKAS WAA GANACSI, it's prostitution, but do not WED THEM and have them raise your children who could potentially corrupt the ummah


What do u think the olden people used to? they wud buy a slave girl and have fun with her. It's called right hand possesion unless their MUSLIM. Their called HAREM. You can do the same if u want, go buy a prostitute, lacag si, kadib was, illahi kuguma haysto waxasi waa arimo ganacsi weeye. If i want sex which I did younger, I simply BOUGHT IT and treated like a business transaction. Lacag baan bixiyay and waxan helay service sida massage parlor or brothel. I never felt guilty once about it. Waxan uu arkay arimo ganacsi. I still don't feel guilty about it either and I don't spend my time on forums talking about girls as a result like half these losers.
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You're sharing too much in your last post.

You can still talk about all of... whatever this is without sharing details of your personal life like that.

I'm just saying.


By PhD do you mean regurgitating whatever his dad tells him

I will reject what my dad or any source I read tells me if you can prove it wrong, if u can't then accept it, heck we can even put it before the 'jama'ah' consensus and accept whatever the majority decides is right. Just don't come in an 'text snipe' and 'ball bust' when you got nothing to contribute. Accept to be led when you have nothing to convince anyone else bro, don't sit there in ignorance and hating hikma. Yur basically a damn kaffir


The funny thing only a few people challenge me with a response, most just come in an text snipe, waa mucurad lakin they got nothing to actually debunk what I said. The only thing missing is putting my ideas against the jama'ah and the mucurad and me step away for the people to decide and accept their decision. That's only fair mechanism.
What do u think the olden people used to? they wud buy a slave girl and have fun with her. It's called right hand possesion unless their MUSLIM. Their called HAREM. You can do the same if u want, go buy a prostitute, lacag si, kadib was, illahi kuguma haysto waxasi waa arimo ganacsi weeye. If i want sex which I did younger, I simply BOUGHT IT and treated like a business transaction. Lacag baan bixiyay and waxan helay service sida massage parlor or brothel. I never felt guilty once about it. Waxan uu arkay arimo ganacsi. I still don't feel guilty about it either and I don't spend my time on forums talking about girls as a result like half these losers.
Do you think that's really ok? Enslaving non-muslim women to ur will? How do u justify this?


Do you think that's really ok? Enslaving non-muslim women to ur will? How do u justify this?

The way I see it bro. I bought a service, she took money, she provided me a service. It's business. Business can be anything in the world if your transacting something. Heck people even used to buy people forever, I am only buying her for an 1 hr or 2 or maybe a night. I see it no different to going to chinese massage parlour.
The way I see it bro. I bought a service, she took money, she provided me a service. It's business. Business can be anything in the world if your transacting something. Heck people even used to buy people forever, I am only buying her for an 1 hr or 2 or maybe a night. I see it no different to going to chinese massage parlour.
lmao XD. "The way I see it bro. I bought a service, she took money, she provided me a service". NOBODY is doing any type of business lol who sells themselves to someone else like that? Plus that's not what u were advocating...u were saying that it's ok to enslave kafir girls wether they felt like it or not. Now, again, how do u justify that?


lmao XD. "The way I see it bro. I bought a service, she took money, she provided me a service". NOBODY is doing any type of business lol who sells themselves to someone else like that? Plus that's not what u were advocating...u were saying that it's ok to enslave kafir girls wether they felt like it or not. Now, again, how do u justify that?

Well I am no prophet and I am not going to sit there and try to convince people who are disbelievers of god, I will work with them in life as a human being and yes I am not perfect. I do make sins and I am not ashamed to be a sinner and hope god can forgive me, but I won't go around and change god law to my desires and likings. For example I accept cigarettes is bad for you and most likely haram in Islam, but since I am addicted I ask god to forgive me but I continue to smoke. This is a dembi only!!! I am not going around trying to get the scholars and clerics and write into the quran cigarettes is OK. Ma garatay? I accept that is the law of god but I fall short of it, I am mortal being. Half the problem with u and the rest of muslims is, your trying to be a saint niyahow. Your no saint and you sure as hell no prophet, just accept that is the final book of god which is the quran and go and enjoy life and don't live there worried about SINS. The true kaffir is the one who injects his desires and emotions and corruption to make the quran CHANGE to suit him. Ur basically making GOD suit your desires and not accepting his way. Accepting his way is dhinaca IMAANKA, I have much imaan, do I follow his way all the time...HELL NO, I try my best but I have short comings and I don't dwell on that.

Will I be punished for my sins? most likely I will, I expect ppl who break government laws to be punished, but will i be punished forever I HOPE NOT. @Cognitivedissonance maybe knows more about this. But there is no way a sin like smoking or drinking and buying prostitutes will send u to hell forever
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Beyond Nabi Mohamed and the 4 rightly guided Caliphs, I look at Islam after that till the Ottomans with a-lot of 'skepticism'. Why? Cause the 4 caliphs had all muslims united under 1 ummah, after them, something happened that was clearly SHAYDHAN amongst us because we never recovered from such fall. We divided into SECTS and later into 'schools' within sects and then into differing kingdoms. That's not proper ISLAM, that's islamic state only in NAME not in the spirit of the TRUE ISLAM and anyone who follows any muslim in the world who cannot achieve the likes of the nabi and the 4 rightly guided khalifs is basically setting himself up for DOOM, your essentially joining a movement that hasn't achieved the first objective of UNITING MUSLIMS PEACEFULLY with their own FREE WILL. U didn't apply the 'jama'ah' consensus style that is needed, you want to control people based on your WARPED IDEA and small following, I reject this.


يا نبي سلام عليك
lmao XD. "The way I see it bro. I bought a service, she took money, she provided me a service". NOBODY is doing any type of business lol who sells themselves to someone else like that? Plus that's not what u were advocating...u were saying that it's ok to enslave kafir girls wether they felt like it or not. Now, again, how do u justify that?
You cant just buy a slave girl and have sex with her. The only form of slavery permissible was through prisoners of war. Even if you got a concubine you can not force intercourse with her.

Al-Shafi’i, may Allah have mercy on him, said:

وَهَكَذَا لَوْ كَانَتْ مُنْفَرِدَةً بِهِ أَوْ مَعَ أَمَةٍ لَهُ يَطَؤُهَا أُمِرَ بِتَقْوَى اللَّهِ تَعَالَى وَأَنْ لَا يَضْرِبَهَا فِي الْجِمَاعِ … فَأَمَّا الْجِمَاعُ فَمَوْضِعُ تَلَذُّذٍ وَلَا يُجْبَرُ أَحَدٌ عَلَيْهِ

Likewise, if a wife is by herself with him or a servant girl of his with whom he has sexual relations, he is commanded to fear Allah Almighty and to not strike her during intercourse… As for sexual intercourse, its purpose is pleasure and no one may be forced into it.

Source: al-Umm 5/203
Well I am no prophet and I am not going to sit there and try to convince people who are disbelievers of god, I will work with them in life as a human being and yes I am not perfect. I do make sins and I am not ashamed to be a sinner and hope god can forgive me, but I won't go around and change god law to my desires and likings. For example I accept cigarettes is bad for you and most likely haram in Islam, but since I am addicted I ask god to forgive me but I continue to smoke. This is a dembi only!!! I am going around trying to get the scholars and clerics and write into the quran cigarettes is OK. Ma garatay? I accept that is the law of god but I fall short of it, I am mortal being. Half the problem with u and the rest of muslims is, your trying to be a saint niyahow. Your no saint and you sure as hell no prophet, just accept that is the final book of god which is the quran and go and enjoy life and don't live there worried about SINS. The true kaffir is the one who injects his desires and emotions and corruption to make the quran CHANGE to suit him. Ur basically making GOD suit your desires and not accepting his way. Accepting his way is dhinaca IMAANKA, I have much imaan, do I follow his way all the time...HELL NO, I try my best but I have short comings and I don't dwell on that.

Will I be punished for my sins? most likely I will, I expect ppl who break government laws to be punished, but will i be punished forever I HOPE NOT. @Cognitivedissonance maybe knows more about this. But there is no way a sin like smoking or drinking and buying prostitutes will send u to hell forever
k. So u don't have a justification other than "it's in the quran". It was just a doubt I had cus to me that's inhumane.


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