it's a really sucks googling somali things

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somehow google images always ends up showing me victims of war and poverty :mjcry:

I need every somali with access to internet to contact google and ask them to fix this, perhaps by making those pictures lower priority than the normal stuff.:idontlike:


Queen of the light
It's the west insinuating that the UN should continue sitting their asses and instilling there own form of perpetual colonisation. By heightening the so called suffering of these people, in reality these images are far from the truth. The people there are all living in homes and although behind on technology, they are not exactly skeletal beings suffering at the mercy of war.

It's A.I tech doing its work based on what's searched the most. No bias is involved in Google's part.

Im gonna go off track but here goes. The average outsider to Somali affairs probably only know 4 things which are: black hawk down, piracy (West African and east asian piracy took over Somali piracy YEARS ago), poverty and al kabab terrorists.

In reality, some of the above may apply but also there are many untold positives such as the self-made stability and prosperity made by Somalis in SL and Pl using traditional, indigenous systems such as xeer where dialogue and concessions rule the day.

In addition, entrepreneurial Somalis have made inroads throughout the world after the war most notably in Africa and the middle east.
In Kenya, fake news spread initially by jealous Kenyans stated that Somali activities on business and property were financed by piracy (i made a thread about this which incl sources) and even though this has been discredited by interpol and the world bank, if you still type "Somali properties in Kenya" in Google there will be articles still touting this fake news in the first page but nothing about how it's fake.

(The thread in question:

Now back to the main question, the sad thing is, this image could affect the fish and chips/diaspora kids who know nothing about their language, culture and country and may concede to a fate of perpetual self-loathing if all they see in the internet about Somalis/Somalia are the negatives.

That is why it is imperative that the parents take their children to holiday in the holy land especially if they have routes in the more safer parts. That way they can see what the truth really is and how the people live their day to day lifes.
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