The other day I realised one thing..
Somali clans who claim arab lineage are technically the result of a somali woman who married out.. Xalimo-exit in full effect since the beginning
I've realised this too as Somalis. Basically the whole ethnic is based on Arab man marrying native females
Wether it is.
Darood Ismail Al Jabarti.
Sheesh Isxaaq
Cusmaan bin Ma7amed (Samaale)
Sheikh Abadir (ancestor Sheekhaal)
Sheekh Samaroon (Maxamuud)
Sheekh Ciise
Axmed Al Xaawi (Hawiye)
Markaa technically if an Arab marries from a Somali isn't that basically what our ancestor did.
Markaa we are multicultural society