Jack Parsons: The Connection between Space Travel and Dajjal


Nowadays we hear a lot about the technological futurism of South Africa-born Elon Musk, engineer and business magnate, and how the newest inventions and transhumanist vision he proposes might influence humanity for the worst.

The Rejected, Heretical Genius of Modern Science​

Despite being the main subject of a 2018 CBS historical drama, Strange Angel, itself based on George Pendle’s biography, Jack Parsons (1914–1952) remains an unknown commodity for the masses, despite sharing similarities with Musk. Parsons was not a celebrity in his days, certainly, but someone who wanted to use technology, mainly in the field of aerospace engineering like Musk, for occult reasons.

This sidelining is quite unique in the history of science: Parsons has been called the “father of American rocketry” by someone like Wernher von Braun, himself the pioneer of rocket technology in Nazi Germany, who would then be recruited by the US.

The experiments Parsons conducted at Caltech in the early 30s and 40s contributed heavily to rocket technology, which would be the reason the Allies won WWII and even made space travel possible.

Trained in chemistry as well, his idea to combine asphalt and potassium perchlorate ultimately produced composite solid propellant and, thus, modern solid rocket propulsion.

We read in the New York Post, resuming his legacy:

Without Parsons, Neil Armstrong may have never set foot on the moon, and American military power might be a fraction of what it is today.

The Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), a NASA-affiliated research center he co-founded, still remains the American pioneer of space travel, sending robots to Mars.

So man reached the moon (or did he?) and robots reach Mars thanks to Parsons. So why has he been forgotten in American culture?

His extravagant occultism might explain it.

The Disciple of “The Wickedest Man in the World”​

To know Jack Parsons is basically to know Aleister Crowley (1875–1947), the famed English occultist, his master.

We can’t go into the details about Crowley himself here, but some readers must know that he has been called “the wickedest man in the world” (name of a 4-part BBC documentary about him) and also called himself “the Great Beast 666.”

RELATED: How al-Dajjal (The Antichrist) Deceives People

Crowley, a degenerate bisexual and drug-addict who rejected the Christian morality of Victorian Britain, created an occult philosophy, named Thelema, where “sex magick,” or the ritual use of sexuality, played an essential role.

Crowley’s main book is the The Book of the Law, written in early 20th century Egypt, which he said was dictated by a sort of supernatural being, “Aiwass.”

This does look like a parody of the Qur’anic revelation, and the leading Crowley scholar today, Tobias Churton, noted that the book was indeed inspired by an heresy within the Islamic world, namely the esoteric cult of the Yazidis, but we’ll not detail all of this here.

What’s important to know is that Crowley was eminently deranged and deviant.

You’d think such a man would have no real influence?

Well, not so: outside Parsons, he had dozens of influential disciples, such as Major-General J. F. C. Fuller, considered the greatest British military writer of the last century and the one who introduced armored warfare in modern conflict. Crowley also appears on the cover art for The Beatles’ 1967 album, Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band.

Parsons himself discovered the works of Crowley in the late 30s, and entered into contact with him.

Crowley was quite appreciative of the young man, seeing potential in him, and in 1942 elected him as the leader of the Californian chapter of the Ordo Templi Orientis (O.T.O.), one of his main organizations.

Parsons wasn’t satisfied with such a position: he wanted to go beyond his master Crowley.

Parsons’ Dark Experiments… And Did They Succeed?​

A faithful disciple and also an avid reader of science-fiction literature, Parsons wanted to test the possible reality of what Crowley wished for in his books.

Hugh Urban, an American academic, writes in his Magia Sexualis, pp. 136-137:

Parsons, it seems, was determined to put Crowley’s most radical and transgressive ideals into living practice. The most remarkable of Parsons’s ritual operations was his “Babalon Working,” which had as its goal to shatter the boundaries of time and space in order to bring about the incarnation of the “magickal child,” or Thelemic messiah, that Crowley had described as the herald of the New Aeon of Horus. Parsons’s cohort in this operation was none other than L. Ron Hubbard, who would later go on to write the best-selling self-help manual Dianetics and found the Church of Scientology, one of the most lucrative new religious movements of the twentieth century.
The ultimate goal of these operations, carried out during February and March 1946, was to give birth to the magical being, or “moonchild,” described in Crowley’s works. Using the powerful energy of IX degree Sex Magick, the rites were intended to open a doorway through which the goddess Babalon herself might appear in human form. Incarnate as a living female, Babalon would then become the Scarlet Woman and consort of the Antichrist (a role Parsons would later claim for himself). In a letter to Crowley, Parsons claimed that the operation had been successful, that he had in fact given birth to “One who is Holy and Beautiful,” and that he was to act as her “guardian” for nine months: “Then it will be loosed in the world.”

It’s intriguing to note that we can find this “operation” to bring the “moon-child” represented in cinema as well: Roman Polanski’s 1968 horror thriller Rosemary’s Baby has been accused of being sickly too close to what Crowley wrote and to what Parsons claimed actually happened.

Those who have watched the movie will know why.

Also, the fact that Polanski’s pregnant wife, actress Sharon Tate, was assassinated in a “ritual-like” manner by the Manson family is another “occult” fact for these analysts.

But let’s get back to Parsons: he says the “operation” was successful… was it?

Urban continues:

Parsons would not, however, live to see his dream of the moonchild fulfilled. His spiritual cohort, Hubbard, turned out to be a devious charlatan who ran off with his partner Betty and $10,000 of his money (just a few years later founding the wildly successful Dianetics and Scientology enterprises). The aging Crowley, meanwhile, considered the whole affair ridiculous and was outraged by the “idiocy of these goats.” Finally, in one of the more ironic twists in the history of sexual magic, Parsons himself literally went up in flames, killed in an accidental chemical explosion in 1952. Nonetheless, many of Parsons’s admirers have suggested that his Babalon Working may have had some real-world effects, that it had served to “crack open the Apocalyptic gateway and activate the cult forces necessary for the upheaval of consciousness,” as we see in the increasing chaos of war, disease, famine, and terrorism in the late twentieth century.


His disciples also note that the phenomenon of the flying saucers or UFOs in the skies came just after his death, his “accidental death” itself still remaining a “mystery” as per his biographer John Carter.

Whatever the truth in all of this, Jack Parsons is an intriguing case in how science and technology collides with occultism.

This Jack Parsons who, in the last years of his life, renamed himself: Belarion Armiluss Al Dajjal AntiChrist.


The Satanic Symbolism in Metaverse’s Ad: A Warning for Muslims​


One of the ways in which mysterious satanic forces propagate themselves is through the use of symbolism.

It’s not unusual for Satanists to display their dark agendas in the form of subliminal messages in modern media. This perhaps has something to do with the idea of being ‘hidden in plain sight’.

But here’s a question: Could Satanists be pushing the metaverse? Let’s take a look at the occultist symbolism behind an advertisement released by Meta on YouTube titled The Tiger & The Buffalo.

Most of the people who’ve seen this ad describe a strange unsettling feeling as they watched it. The ad itself exudes an intuitively disturbing vibe that’s hard to explain.

Notice how comments and likes are disabled for the video. I guess too many people were noting their unease.

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The ad begins with a few unsuspecting children walking into an art gallery with some peculiar paintings in the background. These are actually the works of a real artist named Hilma Af Klint, who had occult ties of her own. She was part of a group called ‘The Five’ that would conduct ritualistic séances in order to contact strange beings they believed in. A Guardian article describes her unusual method of painting:

It was here, in 1904, that Af Klint received a “commission” from an entity named Amaliel who told her to paint on “an astral plane” and represent the “immortal aspects of man”. Between 1906-1915, there followed 193 paintings – an astonishing outpouring – known as the Paintings for the Temple. Whatever one’s misgivings about the occult, she worked as if possessed – in the grip of what can only be described as inspiration. She explained that the pictures were painted “through” her with “force” – a divine dictation: “I had no idea what they were supposed to depict… I worked swiftly and surely, without changing a single brush stroke.”
Was she possessed by Shayateen? If so, it’s not bold to assume that what these odd artworks portray is equally satanic.

These children are then met with a painting right in front of them, depicting a tiger that’s about to eat a buffalo. The tiger stops as it notices the children, almost as if trying to hide its true intentions from them, and says “This is the dimension of imagination.”

Artists recognized this to be a painting by Henri Rousseau. However, that isn’t the only origin of this depiction. In Zoroastrianism, a figure called ‘Ahriman’ represents the devil. This figure has been represented as being cat-like, and in one of the mythological stories Ahriman slays the ‘primal bull’. Its depiction in Zoroastrian petro graphs is strikingly similar to the one used in this ad (see feature image above).

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The bull is not innocent here either. Throughout the video, only its left eye is visible and bears uncanny resemblance to the Eye of Ra or Horus in Egyptian mythology. This is often represented as the ‘All-Seeing Eye’, a concept used by satanic groups to shamelessly claim equality of knowledge with Allah.


The video then spirals out of control as the kids are shown the world that is in store for them. Techno music starts playing in the background as these youngsters enter a hypnotic state, completely absorbed in the metaverse, without a care in the world.

It’s interesting to note how there are humans standing outside the frame of this painting (which represents the portal or entry into the metaverse) but only animals within it, almost as if it’s being suggested that one turns into an animal/beast within this ‘world’. And from the way these kids are giving into the music and the overall hypnotic vibe, this might be exactly what the ad makers were going for.

The planet Saturn, along with a massive hexagon, can be seen next to each other in the background. Occult symbolism and various mythologies have frequently used both Saturn and six sided shapes, i.e., hexagons, to represent Satan.

All of a sudden, these kids are in a forest, surrounded on all sides by snakes. This is a clear-cut reference to the biblical story of the Garden of Eden and how the Devil appeared to Adam and Eve as a serpent. Ask yourselves, why would Meta go to such lengths to produce such bizarre and blatantly devilish imagery?

So far, all the animals seen within this ad can be found in the real world too. However, now the focus is on a very unfamiliar looking creature. The camera pans as it dances and comes calculably to a halt, placing this creature in the center, right beneath the hexagon and Saturn. There is literally no animal we know of that looks like this.

However, again, there is a satanic link. This thing looks eerily similar to the portrayal of Satan used in Codex Gigas, also known as the Devil’s Bible.


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The video ends with the tiger looking at the bull, then back at the kids as the text ‘this is going to be fun’ appears. The predatory nature of this symbolism is, again, very clear. In fact, there have already been numerous complaints about how the Metaverse is extremely dangerous and inappropriate for children. In fact, just recently someone went onto Metaverse, pretending to be a young girl in order to see what would happen. Here are some of the highlights of that social experiment from a BBC article:

A researcher posing as a 13-year-old girl witnessed grooming, sexual material, racist insults and a rape threat in the virtual-reality world.
One man told our researcher that avatars can “get naked and do unspeakable things”. Others talked about “erotic role-play”.
BBC News also spoke to a safety campaigner who has spent months investigating VRChat and who now posts his videos on YouTube.
He has spoken to children who say they were groomed on the platform and forced to take part in virtual sex. He chooses to remain anonymous because he is concerned for the safety of his family.
Everything about the rooms feels unnerving. There are characters simulating sex acts on the floor in big groups, speaking to one another like children play-acting at being adult couples.
She described one incident in a Meta-owned app where she encountered a seven-year-old girl.
A group of men surrounded them both and joked about raping them. Ms Allen said she had to step between the men and the child to protect her.
Can you imagine this technology being used on a global scale? As commonly used as the internet and social media? Children will grow up in a world where they will be exposed to hyper-sexual material by disgusting perverts from a very young age. Imagine the mental and psychological problems these children would develop growing up. Not to mention how this is the perfect petri dish to indoctrinate these young unsuspecting minds into all forms of satanic ideologies. It’s no hidden fact that even now children can easily access all kinds of dark material online, including ography. Metaverse is going to be a strongly amplified version of this, with the severity of the effects being dire.

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All this symbolism, from the infinity shaped symbol of Meta, to the two horns it momentarily produces during its logo transition, to the satanic imagery in their advertisements, are an announcement . An announcement that they’re creating a new world, better than the one that already exists. Better than the one created by Allah Almighty.

Such arrogance rivals that of Iblis himself. They know fully well that they’re bound for Hell. By pushing people into this hyper-sexualized domain of devils, and by making them submit to the idea that this is a better alternative than what has been given to them by Allah, they want to force people to the extreme brink of Shirk, and drag as many down to Hell with them as possible.

Isn’t this exactly what Iblis wants? What Muslims need to realize is that Metaverse is entirely antithetical to Islam. May Allah protect the Ummah from this Fitnah. Amin.


The Golden Rule, Self-Worship, and Satanism​


“Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law.”

Question: How do you effectively control a person?

Methods can vary, but history has shown that one of the most effective tools for this purpose is to tell people that they are in charge. That they are the masters of their own destiny. That they are their own gods.

Because humans are predictable. We make predictable choices: we submit to our desires, we do whatever we can to preserve and bolster our egos, we wallow in short-term pleasures, and we hoard shiny things. This is the base core of a human person.

If you tell people to be free and to do what they want and “follow their heart,” and all the other self-help, positive psychology, liberal philosophy cliches and doctrines we are being constantly fed — everything from the jingoistic promise of “liberty and freedom and empowerment for all” to a commercial slogan like “just do it” — then people are all going to converge on that same basic core, all the while believing that they are truly the masters of their own destiny and firmly in control of who they are.

It’s not unlike being a drug addict. Addicts feel like they are in control and feel like they are making their own decisions. And actually they are! But the problem is, those decisions are predictably bad and lead no where except utter destruction. This is also how imperial powers used the introduction of drugs and alcohol to destroy and gain control of once powerful native peoples around the world.

Point being, reduce people to their base selves and they can be effectively controlled for whatever purpose.

And here’s the kicker. The “Golden Rule” is nothing other than “Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law.”

“Do unto others what you would have them do unto you.” This, by itself, is an empty principle. It has no content. It cannot direct you to any action. It cannot help you make a moral choice. Why? Because it leaves open the question: what exactly would you have others do unto you? Treat others how you want to be treated? Well, how exactly do you want others to treat you? This is just another way of putting yourself at the center of the equation. What matters to you is *all* that matters. Your moral compass shall be your own graven image projected onto the world. That is not righteousness. That is idolatry.

Is it any wonder then that the Golden Rule is the central pillar of liberalism? And, yes, you will see those hackneyed posters about how all religions have a form of the Golden Rule. But that is deceptive because those versions of the Golden Rule are not meant to stand alone. They come in conjunction with religious law. So when the Prophet (s) says: “None of you truly believes until he wishes for his brother what he wishes for himself,” he doesn’t mean that if a person wishes for himself to be married to his gay partner, for example, that he should wish that for others as well. No. What is meant is that a person wishes goodness for himself, and goodness is an objective feature of the world as decided by God and not open to anyone’s personal whims and interpretation.

So, by cutting off the Golden Rule from its religious context and cleaving it from its place firmly embedded in the edifice of God’s law — in truth, the Sharia — liberalism further propagates self-worship. And who was the first being to worship himself?

“Thou hast created me from fire, while Thou hast created him from clay.”
And they followed [instead] what the devils had recited during the reign of Solomon. It was not Solomon who disbelieved, but the devils disbelieved, teaching people magic and that which was revealed to the two angels at Babylon, Hārūt and Mārūt. But they [i.e., the two angels] do not teach anyone unless they say, "We are a trial, so do not disbelieve [by practicing magic]."1 And [yet] they learn from them that by which they cause separation between a man and his wife. But they do not harm anyone through it except by permission of Allāh. And they [i.e., people] learn what harms them and does not benefit them. But they [i.e., the Children of Israel] certainly knew that whoever purchased it [i.e., magic] would not have in the Hereafter any share. And wretched is that for which they sold themselves, if they only knew.

Al Baqarah 102


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