Jahawareer (disorientation) etymology

Jahawareer means disorientation, being disoriented/confused

It's 2 words that are put together:
jaho = direction
wareer = confusion

For some reason when people say jahawareer they pronounce as jahwareer and drop the a after h. I think it's inaccurate but it doesn't make a big difference

I learned jaho recently and these are related words:
der. adj. directed, oriented, turned

v. direct; orient

Northern Swordsman

Tawxiid Alle lahaw, Talo na Alle saaro.
I would say jahwareer rather than jahowareer.
jaha / jiho is plural.

Also I’d use the purely Somali version of dhanwareer since jah or jiha جهة is arabic

dhan - direction

But this word is not attested in Somali dictionaries since I coined it together :)
I would say jahwareer rather than jahowareer.
jaha / jiho is plural.

Also I’d use the purely Somali version of dhanwareer since jah or jiha جهة is arabic

dhan - direction

But this word is not attested in Somali dictionaries since I coined it together :)

i cant tell anymore. sometimes words that are authentic afsomali will also be in arabic with small variation. Somalis have been using word maal since forever ago and Arabs also use maal. We might have always used jaho without the word coming from arabic

Northern Swordsman

Tawxiid Alle lahaw, Talo na Alle saaro.
i cant tell anymore. sometimes words that are authentic afsomali will also be in arabic with small variation. Somalis have been using word maal since forever ago and Arabs also use maal. We might have always used jaho without the word coming from arabic
I get you. But it’s easy to notice them once you realise certain word endings are because of loanwords such as the -ad endings (although not always an indicator for loanwords) saacad from ساعة meaning time but became more like watch or clock in Somali etc.

I’d rather use Arabic loanwords than completely alien words from a different language family since Arabic and Somali both belong to afroasiatic and share many similarities.

