Jama Ali - Registration Card WWII

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Thought this may be of interest, a Somali who does archival work had come across this registration card, here is what she wrote below:

"I have been getting more and more interested in military records of the Somali community, as you know the US joined WWII in 1941. After the U.S. entered WWII, a new selective service act required that all men between ages 18 and 65 register for the draft. Between November 1940 and October 1946, over 10 million American men were registered.

The Fourth Registration, often referred to as the "old man's registration", was conducted on 27 April 1942 and registered men who were born on or between 28 April 1877 and 16 February 1897 - men who were between 45 and 64 years old - and who were not already in the military. I have found only one draft card from a man born in Berbera. His name was Jama Ali, it states his race was white and he was born in 1892. This a copy of his original draft card"
- Abira Hussain

Some have guessed he was mixed with Arab (re: White race)? I know idea's about race were very different back then.
Have there been any other earlier reports of (possible) Somali's in America?

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