Jiu-jitsu ILLEGAL in totalitarian nanny state Canada, police THREATEN to JAIL those who even watch

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Montreal was supposed to host the Canadian championship of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu over the weekend, but the event was postponed after it was declared illegal.

The competition was supposed to take place at the Pierre-Charbonneau Centre, near the Olympic Stadium. But the group's Facebook page said that it decided to cancel the event Friday evening — for the first time in nine years — after police threatened to make arrests.

they would proceed to enforce the section to arrest any participant in the tournament

About 240 competitors, some as young as 9, were registered to take part.

Montreal police spokesman Jean-Pierre Brabant told CBC

"There could be arrests made to the promoter, the fighters or even the people that were attending that place."

Article 83 of the Canadian Criminal Code states that only contests of combat sports that are "on the programme of the International Olympic Committee or the International Paralympic Committee" can be held.

By that definition, Jiu-Jitsu, a Japanese martial art that has close combat but is not on the IOC's program, violates the law.
lmao what a bunch of croissant munchng twats,isn't there a BJJ Governing body?
I did combat sports in my teens boxing and grappling(bjj) in general its safe to say bjj is a 100 times safer then boxing.
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I predict American football will be put to rest at some point due to CTE research, and will be thought a barbaric sport like how we think of the Greek Gladiators today:drakelaugh:


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Apparently they mistook JJ for BJJ which they don't recognize as a sport, not only that but apparently deem all purely-striking based sports
as illegal but MMA and boxing get a pass? I don't think the other provinces of Canada are on board with this retarderie though, just Quebec.
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