Jubaland’s electoral commission announces new MPs 🚨


Trying to recruit his kinsmen to get Goojacade back be like..

If he wants Goojacade back he has to face us sxb, not some old Kenyan charcoal broker
Joe Biden Smile GIF by The Democrats


HSM should keep pushing fgs system to limit anything better than this stalemate. Go for broke u either win or burn everything to ground. rather see collapse of fgs than another bunker vote guarded by African troops
HSM should keep pushing fgs system to limit anything better than this stalemate. Go for broke u either win or burn everything to ground. rather see collapse of fgs than another bunker vote guarded by African troops

Burn it all down to the ground and make a nation. Or let everyone go their own way. Anything is better than being prisoners of a xabashi designed xaar.


On a break
HSM should keep pushing fgs system to limit anything better than this stalemate. Go for broke u either win or burn everything to ground. rather see collapse of fgs than another bunker vote guarded by African troops

They can do many things like sanctioning him and trying to disrupt his timber business.

Maybe only food, fuel and medicine can be delivered through the port of Kismayo until his forces depart it and the SNA can land.


They can do many things like sanctioning him and trying to disrupt his timber business.

Maybe only food, fuel and medicine can be delivered through the port of Kismayo until his forces depart it and the SNA can land.
Its hard because Kenya and Ethiopia hell bent on humiliating and cutting every FGS leader off at the knees. Lets see what HSM cooks up next
HSM should keep pushing fgs system to limit anything better than this stalemate. Go for broke u either win or burn everything to ground. rather see collapse of fgs than another bunker vote guarded by African troops
Do you think that Sheeko Xariir land will finally become a reality then sxb?
Disney Perfect Loops GIF


Do you think that Sheeko Xariir land will finally become a reality then sxb?
Disney Perfect Loops GIF
waar why u so obsessed with Madobe not too long ago he was feeding llin 🍋 to your elders and calling them shabab doing elderly abuse while he former terrorist himself. u will never be seperated from rest of somalia caadi iska dhig lol

Torture GIF by SYFY




East Africa UNUKA LEH
Madoobe is an absolute failure, he's from the biggest Somali clan with huge numbers yet he hasn't managed to remove Alshabab from Lower jubba forget the two other regions.
Ogaden are supposed to die for AS to end? When OGs aren’t in control of any region in Somalia and most of us are outside it? Nigga do we look like Captain Save a H*e ?