Jubbaland State of Somalia formation backstory

Dr Ahmed Farah Dualeh who recived his PhD in Copenhagen Denmark was among the leaders of Jubbaland in its formation. He touted that some problems could arise from the building of the state if the process wasn't organic. What he meant by this is Jubbaland was formerly the British Jubbaland Protectorate which encompassed The Upper Giuba (Gedo) Middle and Lower Jubbas. This territory has many great resources and human capital and thus should be a functioning government that other states should emulate, but has been hijacked by people with ulterior motives. The full support of the people in all 3 regions should be the engine that powers the Jubbaland admin and not one city along with foreign actors. This is how this federal state can unite its people and become self sufficient.

This speech is a must watch and explains how Jubbaland was formed.

:heh: buuushs really be dreaming.

This guy was the architect of JL


And these guys freed it from AS and made it happen

meanwhile adeer ducaale was campaigning in OH, but somehow he was part of JL formation team because he has a ph.D. :ftw9nwa:


Gedo is the same size as Middle Juba give or take a thousand km2. They will always be a minority in Jubbaland and as peace conditions continue in lower juba it will only worsen their position with migration from NFD.

They should have tried integrating as Darood Waamo but instead committed suicide :meleshame:

