Judgement between non-muslims

I was wondering if God will judge cases involving non-Muslims, such as when one non-Muslim murders another non-muslim, or if they will be sent to hell without judgment between them.

Internet Nomad

✪͓̽W͓͓̽̽i͓͓̽̽n͓͓̽̽t͓͓̽̽e͓͓̽̽r͓̽ ͓̽A͓͓̽̽r͓͓̽̽c͓̽✪͓̽
I mean if animals are getting judged then it wouldn’t be a massive jump to believe that they will be judged too.

A stalin like character will judged for the deaths caused by him. Even if its non-muslim vs non-muslim.

Even non-muslims can make dua which can get accepted if they are sincere and righteous.
I mean if animals are getting judged then it wouldn’t be a massive jump to believe that they will be judged too.

A stalin like character will judged for the deaths caused by him. Even if its non-muslim vs non-muslim.
Interesting didn't know animals will be judged too.
I started this thread cause I was thinking of Brutus and his betrayal of Julius Caesar

Internet Nomad

✪͓̽W͓͓̽̽i͓͓̽̽n͓͓̽̽t͓͓̽̽e͓͓̽̽r͓̽ ͓̽A͓͓̽̽r͓͓̽̽c͓̽✪͓̽
Interesting didn't know animals will be judged too.
I started this thread cause I was thinking of Brutus and his betrayal of Julius Caesar
Yeah animals will come in the Day of Judgment and get compensated if they were wronged by other animal or human being, or punished if they wronged another animal.

Internet Nomad

✪͓̽W͓͓̽̽i͓͓̽̽n͓͓̽̽t͓͓̽̽e͓͓̽̽r͓̽ ͓̽A͓͓̽̽r͓͓̽̽c͓̽✪͓̽
Lots of elephants are going to be there that day.
And a lot of donkeys who were overburdened.

The most obvious case of pretty privilege. If someone saw a person abuse a horse they will be outraged but a donkey’s pain is invisible.


Interesting didn't know animals will be judged too.
I started this thread cause I was thinking of Brutus and his betrayal of Julius Caesar
You clearly have a deep and profound mind. Please read to oil the gears and keep them turning. Expecting much from you sxb
Interesting didn't know animals will be judged too.
I started this thread cause I was thinking of Brutus and his betrayal of Julius Caesar
Dont mind that HoodHawiye guy, he is mean to almost everyone. :)

[Quran 8:27] O you who believe, do not betray God and the messenger, and do not betray those who trust you, now that you know.
[Quran 16:92] Do not be like the knitter who unravels her strong knitting into piles of flimsy yarn. This is your example if you abuse the oaths to take advantage of one another. Whether one group is larger than the other, God thus puts you to the test. He will surely show you on the Day of Resurrection everything you had disputed.
Ibn Umar reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “When Allah gathers the earlier and later generations on the Day of Resurrection, He will raise a banner for every treacherous person. It will be announced that this is the treachery of this person, the son of this person.”
- Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī 6178, Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim 1735

Its interesting that in the Christian world, In Dante's the divine comedy poem, he along with Judas, were cast to the bottommost pit of existence, a hell reserved for the worst and traitors. While my guy Salahuddin ibn Ayub was rendered a saint and placed in the highest heaven.

From a Christian point of view or a Muslim point of view, he is cooked.
Nice to see we are at least in agreement with regards to traitors.
Dont mind that HoodHawiye guy, he is mean to almost everyone. :)

- Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī 6178, Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim 1735

Its interesting that in the Christian world, In Dante's the divine comedy poem, he along with Judas, were cast to the bottommost pit of existence, a hell reserved for the worst and traitors. While my guy Salahuddin ibn Ayub was rendered a saint and placed in the highest heaven.

From a Christian point of view or a Muslim point of view, he is cooked.
Nice to see we are at least in agreement with regards to traitors.
Never understood what that Hoodhawiye guy meant by that statement and now that you tell me that it's something mean I rather not.

I started this thread cause I saw that in Dante's inferno Brutus was in a section reserved for betrayers and I was wondering if in the day of judgement he'll be judged for betraying another non-muslim Julius Caesar.

While my guy Salahuddin ibn Ayub was rendered a saint and placed in the highest heaven.
For Christians to love the man who kicked them out of Jerusalem just shows how great of a man Salahuddin was.