Karrayyuu Oromo people

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similar to Afar



i read somewhere that oromo were like gypsies..they dont really have an identity but rather many diffrent tribes mixed and assimilated into them.
i read somewhere that oromo were like gypsies..they dont really have an identity but rather many diffrent tribes mixed and assimilated into them.

I think they have kept original oromo culture going by the link i sent, but the scars i am not sure, maybe from afar
A lot of pictures on thr link


Suldaanka Gobyare
I translated to 'castes'?
They are considered the center of ancient Oromo tradition and Oromo tend to refer to them as the original Oromos, but they are not in the many anymore. Many have died especially with the recent Ethiopian land grab deals.
this forum is called "Somalispot "not Oromospot, we discussed the Somali matters not Oromo or habashi. Your thread belongs to Ethiopian forums not Somali forums.
They are considered the center of ancient Oromo tradition and Oromo tend to refer to them as the original Oromos, but they are not in the many anymore. Many have died especially with the recent Ethiopian land grab deals.

Yes they have kept original oromo culture since their arrival 2 centuries ago. But i think borana are still the original
Not many left of these people no more than 50,000
Is it possible I could assimilate myself into the Oromo ethnic group? How difficult is it?

I have Akichu Oromo family members. But I want full assimilation.

What's the procedure?
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