Kenya airspace deemed unsafe and to be shut from many world class airlines

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Suicidal men adore me.
Yeees!!!! They've been meddling in our affairs. Paybacks a . I want them to feel the fucking heat. Leave kismayo and go cater to you're white tourists, the only one keeping your economy alive.

God do I hate our neighboring nations. Somalis voted them out. UN told them they can't intervene not send troops. Who told them they're above the law. I hope al Shabab leaves Somalia and focuses on them.

Gosh I hope the world follows through. Deem it unsafe. I hope all their investors leave. I wish for their destruction.
I don't think that would happen
Nairobi's airport just attained category 1 status
If anything they are getting direct flights to US this year.


"I'd kill for a Noble Peace Prize"
Kenya should never have interfered with Somalia and its upheavals, it has cost them dearly in every possibly way you can think of, be it economically, politically, socially and most importantly the safety and security of their country and citizens have all suffered tremendously!

Ahmed Blackie and the OGs literally used them as a chess piece to get rid off the AS pawns and the Marexan kings and will probably disregard them soon, Iyakkana waxa ka dhaadhacsan that they will benefit from their occupation of Jubaland by securing their borders and also by annexing some of Somalia's territorial waters. Shimbir iyo wadhaf kala war la'aa:lol:
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