Kikuyu Pastor in Kenya is inciting His Congregation Against Somalis in Kenya

It looks like other communities in Kenya resent the amount of investments Somalis have made in Nairobi, Kenya. The pastor in the below video was inciting his congregation against his fellow Kenyans who happen to be of Somali origin. Perhaps it is time Somalis diversify their investments and build their own towns instead of pulling all of their resources in one basket.


Dalac Bilaash

☠ Emperor of The Horn ☠
This is the first step for genociding Somali people in Kenya. My Allah save Somali people🙏🙏
This is giving me the Tutsi genocide flashbacks I've seen rise of such nonsense from Kenyans when ever I talk to one and I don't find it surprising that it's the churchs programming these people
Have you guys noticed those african geopol accounts that even shit talk somalis have started to mention they have noticed the somalis in Nairobi. It's low-key becoming serious which is a problem. The only silver lining is that kenyan elites copy western liberal norms so there aren't going to be any south africa/idil amin type pogroms.
Have you guys noticed those african geopol accounts that even shit talk somalis have started to mention they have noticed the somalis in Nairobi. It's low-key becoming serious which is a problem. The only silver lining is that kenyan elites copy western liberal norms so there aren't going to be any south africa/idil amin type pogroms.

I hope not but if they did something similar they'd probably be left alone Kenya was just declared a major non NATO ally
I mean we proposed that our territories are joined to the Somali republic and they wouldn't have this 'problem'
They constantly complain about Kenyan Somalis whilst simultaneously claiming that they don’t hate all Somalis, just the “illegal immigrants coming from Somalia” lol.

And anyway why are they so obsessed with trying to marry us? So many Kenyans I’ve seen online complain about the fact that Somalis don’t marry anyone outside their community and now they’re trying to pull the “we’re all Kenyan” BS after doing nothing but insulting our people?? So pathetic.


Cast in the name of God Ye not Guilty
somalis are too dumb. Why are you investing in these savage's lands. Put your money in somalia.


بىَر غىَل إيؤ عآنؤ لؤ
somalis are too dumb. Why are you investing in these savage's lands. Put your money in somalia.

Savage's lands? 2-3 million Somalis are native to Kenya and their ancestors expanded to that area over a century ago.


And it's not their faults Somalia collapsed into oblivion and is run by tuugo with no sense of rule of law and good governance. Kenya is relatively stable, in the good graces of the western world and has good governance and rule of law at least from a business standpoint. It's an intelligent place for Somalis to invest compared to Somalia, or an Ethiopia and Djibouti run by jittery regimes that tighten the ease of doing business and can confiscate your shit at any point.

It's also good for us to have a strong economic and political footing in neighboring countries. There are Somalis in the bloody Tanzanian parliament. These connections and economy heavy weights will be useful assets once Somalia begins to properly recover. Kenya's economy is practically run out of Eastleigh.


Forza Somalia!
I heard Somalis hold top security position in Kenya, why not deal with such rhetoric?

Have you guys noticed those african geopol accounts that even shit talk somalis have started to mention they have noticed the somalis in Nairobi. It's low-key becoming serious which is a problem. The only silver lining is that kenyan elites copy western liberal norms so there aren't going to be any south africa/idil amin type pogroms.
This became more noticeable in the last year, it is weird.
Have you guys noticed those african geopol accounts that even shit talk somalis have started to mention they have noticed the somalis in Nairobi. It's low-key becoming serious which is a problem. The only silver lining is that kenyan elites copy western liberal norms so there aren't going to be any south africa/idil amin type pogroms.
Just out of interest, what have they noticed and what are they saying?
We shouldn't comment or even respond to this twitter post due to it inflaming the fire. We should give it 2 days all these people will forget about it. Thank god for how social media makes people forgetful because of constants bombardment of new issues. Also let's not forget the main issue this preacher is having. Which is needing a translator to dictate his hate speech which is already weakened .


Cast in the name of God Ye not Guilty
Savage's lands? 2-3 million Somalis are native to Kenya and their ancestors expanded to that area over a century ago.


And it's not their faults Somalia collapsed into oblivion and is run by tuugo with no sense of rule of law and good governance. Kenya is relatively stable, in the good graces of the western world and has good governance and rule of law at least from a business standpoint. It's an intelligent place for Somalis to invest compared to Somalia, or an Ethiopia and Djibouti run by jittery regimes that tighten the ease of doing business and can confiscate your shit at any point.

It's also good for us to have a strong economic and political footing in neighboring countries. There are Somalis in the bloody Tanzanian parliament. These connections and economy heavy weights will be useful assets once Somalia begins to properly recover. Kenya's economy is practically run out of Eastleigh.
i wasnt talking bout somalis but kenyans, either way this is happening because we pool our money into these countries capitals and expect a warm reception. Since when did somalis think kenyans are our friends? It is us who shot ourselves in the foot and continue to do so with our willful ignorance. Somali's wont look at each other but expect kenyans to welcome us to nirobi