Kenya's biggest donors threaten travel bans on corrupt officials following KDF Jubbaland scandal

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HRH Duchess of Puntland, The Viscount of Garoowe
On Thursday a new report by Nairobi-based rights group Journalists for Justice, said Kenyan soldiers in Somalia were involved in a $400 million sugar smuggling racket that also funds the Shebab, the Al-Qaeda militants it is supposed to be fighting.

Godec said Kenya was facing a "corruption crisis".

"All allegations of corruption must be investigated. When evidence of corruption is found, those responsible must be prosecuted and, if guilty, appropriately punished - regardless of position or wealth," he said.

The diplomats threatened "to impose travel restriction on those responsible for graft."

Britain's high commissioner added that the proceeds of corruption stashed abroad would be traced and seized.

"People should not be allowed to enjoy the ill-gotten gains of corruption in London, New York, Geneva or anywhere else," said Christian Turner.

The latest scandal to emerge involves the Kenya Defence Forces (KDF) which was deployed to fight the Shebab in Somalia in 2011.

But far from fighting the militants, KDF are "in garrison mode, sitting in bases while senior commanders are engaged in corrupt business practices," said the Journalists for Justice investigation.

The report said a smuggling network run by senior KDF officers with political protection earns $50 million a year in taxes on illegal sugar imports and charcoal exports, with Shebab earning much more from the same illicit trades.

Kwamchetsi Makokha of Journalists for Justice said both Kenyans officers and jihadists were sharing profits.

The sugar saga is just a tip of the iceberg.
But the corruption happenning within the Kenyan govt esp by cabinet secretaries is of grand scale.
Uhuru, Ruto, Waiguru etc have infact made the IC put a ban on some of the officials. There was a Billion of USD of Eurobonds that was embezzled and there is no trace of how it was spent.
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