Kenyatis Attack Somali Businesses

It doesn't say anything about it being Somali businesses. That post is observing the general destruction and looting by the riots that happened across Nairobi.
I know you demented accounts on this site have a fantasy fetish for Kenyattis attacking Somalis and jack off to it with endless threads

But the reality is that there was huge riots and protests that happened in Nairobi and they even stormed the Kenya parliament

It was full on chaos and mayhem:
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Recovering from humiliation kink.
They are looting everyone. Close your businesses lol.
They even burned down a government house here in my city.
They are meek and docile people but once they get angry it's extreme.
i wouldnt say this is only to somali businesses, they looted entire malls lol.

Even so, its sad how mathow people just keep reinforcing their steryotypes
Those people that invested in Kenya deserve everything worse they've neglected their country only to get looted and vandalised deserved

Somalis invested waay more in Somalia and other Somali regions, there is no neglecting happening. I made a post where i showed how the private sector activity and investments by Somalis was rebuilding Mogadishu and other areas modernizing it. How the private sector stepped up to rebuild .

Outside of Somalia, there is a Jigjiga and Somali region in Ethiopia which is also experiencing heavy diaspora investments and private sector activities that has been transformative in the last 5 years, manufacturing facilities and many new industries like an automotive one like Suways Motors opened up, lots of job creation etc

Outside our enclave in Eastleigh, & some spots we are like a tiny minority in the centers of Nairobi where the riots broke out, so they probably mostly/only attacked their own businesses and other foreign nationals.
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its a hard pill to stuff down but your right. Kenyans are very hostile people. Why invest in people who chimp out when they see a somali

We invest in places where we majority live in, it's a no brainer. Why wouldn't we? Are we going to stay poor where we settle or are we going to make money? Like the post i showed above explains, same activity happens across Somali inhabited regions.

i wouldnt say this is only to somali businesses, they looted entire malls lol. View attachment 332728
Even so, its sad how mathow people just keep reinforcing their steryotypes

Also calm your hard on for violence on Somalis. This has had nothing to do with Somalis, its about protesting against a finance bill.

Even the source you shared spells it out. Eastleigh and other Somali neighberhoods which has big levels of military security is far away from Nariobi Center where this was going on.

And why are you acting like riots and protests and the looting and vandalism that comes with it is unique to kenya?

When in Minnesota, there was 1500 damaged businesses in the riots few years back, some of which was Somali busineses, most being Ajanabi ones and was these people who did this, folks who chimped out when they saw Somalis?
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سبحان اللهِ وبحمدِه Free Palestine
This is the effect of taking riba loans from the international banks

They also are forced to privatize and sell public infrastructure and energy companies

And to stave off further privatizations they’re taking another loan from another lender to reschedule the previous loan which will eventually leave them in further debt

Take heed Somali
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