Khat consumption difference between North and South

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Your superior
In all Somalia, 36.4% of respondents reported khat intake in the week previous to the interview (99% CI 19.3%–57.7%; see Table 3), with the highest levels of all in Bay/Bakol and Mogadishu South (69.4%, 99% CI 64.5%–74.2% and 61.4%, 99% CI 57.0%–65.8%). The estimates for the northern and southern/central part of the country did not differ (26.2%, 99% CI 14.6%–42.5% versus 50.7%, 99% CI 28.9%–72.2%). However, excessive khat use and its related effects seem to be more frequent in southern/central Somalia: consumption of more than two “bundles” per day in the previous week was less frequent in the northern part than in southern/central Somalia (4.0%, 99% CI 3.1%–5.2% versus 28.9%, 99% CI 9.6%–60.9%). Also in this region a greater number of respondents reported more than one sleepless night due to khat chewing in the week prior to the interview (14.5%, 99% CI 11.1–18.5 versus 64.5%, 99% CI 56.1–72.1); but habitual consumption in a solitary setting was not significantly different between regions (11.6%, 99% CI 7.6%–17.4% versus 18.2%, 99% CI 8.9%–33.6%). The self-reported, quantitative information about individual khat chewing in the week before the interview follows the same trend (see Table 4): khat chewing respondents reported that they consumed on average 9.8 “bundles” (SE = 2.1, 99% CI 2.0–17.5) and had 1.7 sleepless nights due to chewing khat in the previous week (SE = 0.4, 99% CI 0.1–3.3). Again, the differences in the reported number of sleepless nights due to khat use in the previous week between northern and southern/central Somalia were evident (0.7, 99% CI 0.6–0.9 versus 2.4, 99% CI 1.8–3.0) but not significant with respect to the consumed quantity (5.7, 99% CI 4.7–6.6 versus 12.7, 99% CI 4.9–20.6). On a regional level, we found the largest consumed quantities (expressed in bundles) in the samples in Mogadishu South (including Lower Shabelle and the “Km 50 Airport,” where many khat-delivering planes land daily: 15.9, 99% CI 14.4–17.5) and in Kismayo (including Lower and Middle Juba; 20.8, 99% CI 18.0–23.6), the two regions closest to the Kenyan border, from where the largest quantity of khat imports arrive. Figure 1 displays graphically the differences between the north and central/southern Somalia.

:damn: :damn: :damn: :gunsmiley::gunsmiley::gunsmiley::chrisfreshhah::damn::damn::diddyswag::diddyass::drakewow::gladbron::gladbron:

The sexy, handsome hyena strikes again, walle waraabe is a credit to his race (isaaq race)
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I went to north couple years ago more than 50% of the men were chewing khat. Kids as old as 14 years were chewing walaahi. Ninka aan qaadka cunin waa la caayaa waxaa ladhaa war ma naag baa tahay orod qaad cun. I guess they don't want to be harrassed thus, they start chewing that nasty qaad.


Your superior
I went to north couple years ago more than 50% of the men were chewing khat. Kids as old as 14 years were chewing walaahi. Ninka aan qaadka cunin waa la caayaa waxaa ladhaa war ma naag baa tahay orod qaad cun. I guess they don't want to be harrassed thus, they start chewing that nasty qaad.

according to this academic research, it is even worse in the south
according to this academic research, it is even worse in the south
Waa dhibaato somalida oo dhan haysto. I think people turn to khat because they don't have jobs. I ask some of people who chew why they chew and they said they have nothing to do. They just want to pass time I guess.


In the southern regions, prior to independence and reunification with the northern regions (July 1960), khat chewing was exceptional. But over the last 20 years, the khat chewing habit has also spread widely in the south. The prevalence of the phenomenon is, however, still higher in the north.

[FONT=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]This means that Qaatland was a bad influence to the Somali's in other regions. [/FONT]


Your superior


In the southern regions, prior to independence and reunification with the northern regions (July 1960), khat chewing was exceptional. But over the last 20 years, the khat chewing habit has also spread widely in the south. The prevalence of the phenomenon is, however, still higher in the north.

[FONT=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]This means that Qaatland was a bad influence to the Somali's in other regions. [/FONT]

can't fight evidence mj gorilla
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