Khat scientific benefits

Just look at this it kinda explains the ten kids Somali fathers have 😂



LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
But Farahs have NO sperms problems. They ejaculate within seconds they seen the vagi.ana. The issue is- maintaining erection. If Khat does not do that- waa qaasaaro huuno :trash:


Stop Trudeau's Black racism and mass immigration
Staff Member
@Grigori Rasputin remember you were complaining online about shooting blanks not that long ago? It took you 4 years to get your child.

What a shame. Ceeb badana. Looks like you can chew khat to become fertile.
But Farahs have NO sperms problems. They ejaculate within seconds they seen the vagi.ana. The issue is- maintaining erection. If Khat does not do that- waa qaasaaro huuno :trash:
Wait….how would you know Basra ? Something you want to share with your SSpot family here? Take a seat


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
Wait….how would you know Basra ? Something you want to share with your SSpot family here? Take a seat

Huuno looooooooooooool i speak to countless of adventurers They call me and give me ALL THE T :mindblown::ohlord::heh: