Kid in Toronto had his computer broken...

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It's not that big of a deal man. Judging by the comments, nobody is offering him a NVidia titan x or AMD Radeon R9 295X2. Games these days are the biggest resource hogs, especially with things like 4k resolution running on all the new games. None of those GPUs are worth getting jealous over believe me.

You wanna get jealous? I read the r/buildapc subreddit everyday and i see the most ridiculous shit sometimes. This is the most infuriating one.

11 years old and has a i7 4790k (one of the best CPUS on the market right now), 16 gb ram DDR3 and a 4GB NVIDIA 970x. Total cost comes up to almost 2000. That lil dude is going to use that BEAST of a machine to fucking watch youtube videos and play miniclipgames :mjlol: Jesus christ man fucking cadaan people.


Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
@Unionist What did you do for your parents to throw away your PS2 and games?

My mum once said she threw away my PS2 and my games. I was livid. I was ready to buy a shotgun or hire one of my white classmates to do a number on her. But i found out she had just hidden it in the garage.
@Unionist What did you do for your parents to throw away your PS2 and games?

My mum once said she threw away my PS2 and my games. I was livid. I was ready to buy a shotgun or hire one of my white classmates to do a number on her. But i found out she had just hidden it in the garage.

I left the house to visit some relatives outside the state and when I came back, the PS2 was nowhere to be found. They took advantage of my absence and threw my prized possession. They complained that I used it too much. I was devastated:damedamn:
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