Kikuye refugees in Mogadishu?

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What went wrong? Subxanallah I wish we had Somali and African unity like this today. Who is this eloquent, handsome man?


What's his name? I like his style and energy. Ilaahey ha u naxariisto. I pray we gain a leader like that again. Imagine if he saw HSM. What would he think of him?


My heart is broken. He died just as what was left of Somaliweyn was about to totally collapse. God wrote it so he wouldn't see. If he was alive today to see the Kenyans and Ethiopians massacre us while our leader smiles he would find a way out for us.
Abdullahi Isse was called the " father of the Somali Nationhood " and not for no reason. Not only was he one of the early founders of the SYL movement that liberated Somalia from colonialism. He was already in the 1940s making speeches in the UN try to convince the world that Somalia deserved freedom, especially Brazil used to vote for our goals in the UN. A true lion who saved the Somali people. In the Sannag and Sool regions we used to sing songs about him before the 60s when the lion were fighting our blessed struggle against the occupying enemy.
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