Kikuyu Lady Sharing History about the Somalis


♚Sargon of Adal♚
We came to what is now known as Kenya long before they settled here, I'm glad that I don't have TikTok.


لا تَقْنَطُوا مِنْ رَحْمَةِ اللَّه
why yall hating she didn't say anything negative?
She did abayo watch closely at the end. She said that we are not native to northern kenya and that we got chased out and that history can repeat itself if we decide to act up again


We came to what is now known as Kenya long before they settled here, I'm glad that I don't have TikTok.
Hey man I believe she practice sixir. If you insult her you may find jinn chasing you in your dreams.
Short Film Running GIF by Film Riot
Another thread on Kikuyus ? deeply obsessed with seeking out these peoples opinions on Somalis

Like this thread on them doing sermons on us wasn't enough already loool.

Kikuyus are now having church sermons about Somalis

Nothing really noteworthy was said. Looks like she was just repeating random stuff she read online.
You say we're obsessed yet I don't see you complaining about the endless threads on Yemenis and pajeets. You're overly sensitive to this topic. Something tells me you're a kikuyu halfbreed :cosbyhmm:
You say we're obsessed yet I don't see you complaining about the endless threads on Yemenis and pajeets. You're overly sensitive to this topic. Something tells me you're a kikuyu halfbreed :cosbyhmm:
You guys are obsessed with Kenyans, when Somalis care little about them outside this forum. Just this week alone i have seen like counting 5 different ''Somalis are taking over'' ''Somalis are rich' kenyan threads.

Even a random social media comment by Obama's kenyan half brother:

Obama brother hating on Somalis

Trying to peg them as if they our sworn enemy coming for us and we need to pay attention to. A demented persons paranoia.

Also false equivalence. Yemenis are a group we share real cultural-religious ties to, the only threads i have actually seen personally are discussing that and i have also participated in them. It would be no different than bringing up the discussions threads on Swedes to the Dannes, perfectly normal.

No idea what a pajeet is. Kikuyu half breed kulaha, human beings are not half breeds, they are not dogs. These people must really live in your nightmares waa yaab.
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