Kikuyu name for somalis

El Nino

Cabsi cabsi

Skip the idiotic hotepism and fake news of of us hating ourselves (seriously most kenyans are christians by choice, these hoteps need to relax)

Anyway, I find the name they had for us very interesting, it is very similar to the ancient name of somalis, barbar.

Internet Nomad


Skip the idiotic hotepism and fake news of of us hating ourselves (seriously most kenyans are christians by choice, these hoteps need to relax)

Anyway, I find the name they had for us very interesting, it is very similar to the ancient name of somalis, barbar.

Barbaria was the name used by the ancient Greeks for littoral northeast Africa. The corresponding Arabic term, bilad al-Barbar (land of the Barbar), was used in the Middle Ages.The name of Barbaria is preserved today in the name of the Somali city of Berbera, the city known to the Greeks as Malao.


El Nino

Cabsi cabsi
Barbaria was the name used by the ancient Greeks for littoral northeast Africa. The corresponding Arabic term, bilad al-Barbar (land of the Barbar), was used in the Middle Ages.The name of Barbaria is preserved today in the name of the Somali city of Berbera, the city known to the Greeks as Malao.

We have the greeks, arabs and now Kikuyu to have used the name barbar. I would now go as far as the name only meant ancient somalis/somaloids, not other pastoral cushitics.

I have 2 theories on how kikuyus started to call that us. 1st, is they absorbed cushitics of from they got the name. 2nd, is they got it through arabs/swahilis.

Nevertheless, the name is ancient and its meanings from what I know lost to time.


Forza Somalia!

Skip the idiotic hotepism and fake news of of us hating ourselves (seriously most kenyans are christians by choice, these hoteps need to relax)

Anyway, I find the name they had for us very interesting, it is very similar to the ancient name of somalis, barbar.
her whole video is 80% hotep nonsense and 20% "we came to this land empty then somalis came to kenya late and we fought them" nonsense.

Cartan Boos

Average SSC Patriot
These langaab never chased shit, they were getting abused even tho they were in their peak power still getting dog walked like the langaab they are, the British white man came to save them from extinction


Trudeau Must Go #CCP2025
That Amore group having oral history on Somalis they encountered during their migration from Sudan was interesting.

Think she went a bit overboard with the "Somalis loath themselves" bit but I can see where she's coming from.

Somalis back home (and some idiots online) have what I like to call nomad syndrome. This group of niggas look down on EVERYONE that's not a default normal caste Somali (Big 4 clans). While I was ironically in Kenya I noticed how bad Somalis are in this regard. Annoying Kikuyu customer? Niggas call him a dhageex or sometimes even adoon. Arab? Hooked nose dhegacas. You get the picture. Other Somalis from 0.5 clans like Gibil Cad's & Gabooye aren't spared from this either which is why I refer to it as nomad syndrome. Lots of our people still think like they're camel herders from 1500 AD even if they work in the city for a living. It comes off as self loathing to other madows nowadays with the new concept of race the world subscribed to since colonization. It's something we need to work on to combat.

That's just my two cents though. :yacadiim:



Skip the idiotic hotepism and fake news of of us hating ourselves (seriously most kenyans are christians by choice, these hoteps need to relax)

Anyway, I find the name they had for us very interesting, it is very similar to the ancient name of somalis, barbar.
I have theory that Somali and kikuyu were the same people before Bantu expansion.
like kikuyu were Cushitic in origin


Everything unuka leh
her whole video is 80% hotep nonsense and 20% "we came to this land empty then somalis came to kenya late and we fought them" nonsense.
They actually did fought us tho
I've read some colonial source about all those tribes in kenya joining together to push somalis back from their lands as somalis wanted to settle there.

