Labour will win but I don't think a lot will change.

Am I the only one that doesn't feel anything when it comes to labour under Kier Starmer? Most boring manifesto possible. Jeremy Corbyn was at least offering something. This Kier Starmer guy is worse than Tony Blair when it comes to domestic policies. I remember growing up as a kid under labour, life was nice.

I ain't voting but lets see how this new government performs.
In the US biden has turned out to be one of the most progressive presidents that they have ever had, infact when the dust settles he might even be termed a transformative one. He come to do what a sanders would advocate but not allowed to implement. The UK case is the same, starmer is coming to implement what a corbyn would not be allowed to do. Brits be prepared for one of the most progressive government's you have ever seen
In case it has not reached you, Labour has been hijacked, its leader whom was striving to carry forward the long socialist traditions of Tony Ben expelled. replaced with a fraud. All of this was facilitated chiefly by the media class of this country, The London financial Times chief amongst them.

The following is a snippet of a interview of Noam Chomsky by The (Financial) Times, Chomsky surmises what was done to Jeremy Corbyn, and calls out the Interviewer and the organisation he works for, for taking part in it. At 23:02:00:

This upsets the interviewer of course, he is used to plebs that nod to every word of his, so it quickly goes of the rails.

Ironically enough, Chomsky was known for championing the Financial Times paper, for example at his university of Arizona lecture, he called it "The most responsible and serious newspaper in the world, that I know of". At 01:41:44:

It safe to say there will not be a main party representing socialist views in the UK, for a long time to come. It will only be present in the forms of fringe parties that will have no more than single digit representation.

To think I spent my 20s being an edge lord "Capitalist" and contrarian "right winger" while Jeremy Corbyn was within an inch of delivering real change. A better fate was to be had for him.


Things were great under labour in the 2000s. Remember the days when the pound stretched further. When the value of £1 was $2 back then. That labour is long gone now.
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