LADIES! What’s Your Farax Preference? Dark Skin, Brown Skin Or Light Skin


  • Light Skin

    Votes: 12 29.3%
  • Brown Skin

    Votes: 16 39.0%
  • Dark Skin

    Votes: 13 31.7%

  • Total voters


that's not how science works tho your eyes will adjust to the dark but people themselves actually all emit small amounts of light so you see the dark skin and pale skin the same.
People emits light? You sure about this mate
This is what colourist people should understand. First the colourism affected women and now it's affecting how men are perceived. It will not end there unless there is government intervention in the form of preaching self-love and banning Asian bullshit movies.

Have you ever seen women on this forum, dissing light-skinned men? It's clear who disses them and secretly, wants to be them, and it's these males who were probably raised by colourist families.
yeah bollywood and turkish dramas have done a number on our people.

however i have seen many women parrot the effeminate light skin suugo science tho and its really dumb because then that mean dark skin women are masculine :snoop:

in general i don't really care or react to it because i know my reality and most of them are unironically being feminine making these type of dark skin vs light skin thread and are saying this stuff from a place of hurt so for the most part i ignore it because if people wanna live in delusion and seek validation then so be it but as far as im aware amongst mathow people most women give the politically correct answer because of what dark skins had to go through or hold uqdad aswell for how they where treated but realistically most do not care about skin tone it doesn't matter at all its lip service when women say they got a skin tone type from my experience. its mainly men that are colorists and if women are colorists it the anti dark skin kind.

and like you said before if we look globally the mixed race golden tone is basically the most sought after and anyone who says other wise is delusional. pale people try to tan to get there and darker skinned people try to bleach to get there.
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People emits light? You sure about this mate
yes they do.

It's actually a legit old cultural thing among Somalis. I had an ayeeyo back here in Puntland once suddenly say "You are dark, that's very good for a man." I did a double take and asked her what she meant and she explained that in old traditional Somali culture darker skin was prized for a man. I asked her how light-skin men were perceived and she said "They were seen as dumb, feminine and weak. A real man is dark."


She also pointed out that the opposite was true in regards to women where lighter skin was preferred. I asked around and this does seem to have been the traditional mentality.

Interesting. I have been curious about the question what Somalis traditional perceptions or preference for skin tone was. It's particularly popular debate about it in Ethnic circles, usually what inspires bleaching across cultures.

I happen to come across this description of by I'M Lewis describing the beauty preferences of nomadic Somali men :

"Men appreciate women of good height and stature, with good hips and breasts, and plump but not fat. A reddish tinged skin is thought highly of in preference to a dark dull black."

I am uncertain about what he means about reddish tinged skin but i am assuming he means brown colour called ''maarin'' that's frequently mentioned on this thread which is a colour in-between light and dark.
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بىَر غىَل إيؤ عآنؤ لؤ
Interesting. I have been curious about the question what Somalis traditional perceptions or preference for skin tone was. It's particularly popular debate about it in Ethnic circles, usually what inspires bleaching across cultures.

I happen to come across this description of by I'M Lewis describing the beauty preferences of nomadic Somali men :

"Men appreciate women of good height and stature, with good hips and breasts, and plump but not fat. A reddish tinged skin is thought highly of in preference to a dark dull black." (Lewis 1962:13)

I am uncertain about what he means about reddish tinged skin but i am assuming he means brown colour called ''maarin'' that's frequently mentioned on this thread which is a colour in-between light and dark.

Somalis have interesting traditional tastes when it comes to women. They're one of the few cultures I've ever seen who, for example, liked for a woman to be tall and looked down on small women. Then there's the funny thing about qor dheer (long neck). My mother used to tell me of how a common funny saying was "She had a long neck like a horse!" which in other cultures might seem an odd comment but to old school Somalis it was a big compliment.


The only people that spread lies about light skinned men being effeminate, are unattractive, dark-skinned men with cuqdad about their own appearance.
Actually it was the women, in my experience, who chose me over light skin men. On several occasions and of course I have seen the reverse as well.

In real-life, lightskinned men do better in the dating market, especially among other ethnic groups and races, who have colour-complexes. For example, in the West, where biracial men reign supreme, because they have in their minds the perfect 'tan' skin-colour.
Thats because those biracial men have softer features, then their darker cousins.
That why I encourage Somali to build their muscle.
This light-skinned man slander is so transparently fuelled by cuqdad and jealousy.
I never hated on a fellow man, but have seen women say the craziest things about light skin men.

In black cinema where colorism is alive and well, the dark skin man is associated with dark chocolate.
Actually it’s women, in my experience, who have chose me over light skin men. On several occasions and of course I have seen reverse as well.

That because those biracial men have softer features, then their darker cousins.
That why I encourage Somali to build their muscle.

I never hated on a fellow man, but have seen women say the craziest things about light skin men.

In black cinema where colorism is alive and well, the dark skin man is associated with dark chocolate.

Light-skinned Somali men are exactly the same phenotypically as Somali men with other hues. So there is no such thing as appearing softer. Perhaps you are thinking about African American skin colour issues and phenotypes.
Some people online have posted asking different AI's of what the average of Somali men looks like in Somalia,, it always comes out either brown to very dark black.

So i am assuming this is the skin colour range that most Faraxs fit into:


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Light-skinned Somali men are exactly the same phenotypically as Somali men with other hues. So there is no such thing as appearing softer. Perhaps you are thinking about African American skin colour issues and phenotypes.
“In real-life, lightskinned men do better in the dating market, especially among other ethnic groups and races, who have colour-complexes. For example, in the West, where biracial men reign supreme, because they have in their minds the perfect 'tan' skin-colour.”

it was in response to the above statement you made, but at least you learned in Somali culture, dark or marine men reign supreme.

Insha Allah you shall pay homage to the dark side, after discovering the truth.
Actually it was the women, in my experience, who chose me over light skin men. On several occasions and of course I have seen the reverse as well.

Thats because those biracial men have softer features, then their darker cousins.
That why I encourage Somali to build their muscle.

I never hated on a fellow man, but have seen women say the craziest things about light skin men.

In black cinema where colorism is alive and well, the dark skin man is associated with dark chocolate.
some women preemptively reject before rejected as a coping mechanism. that's why the whole light skin guys are prestige narrative goes around. women will shut off guys if they feel they have less of a chance and will degrade them with these stereotypes. i have seen women like this whether its about dark/light skin guys throw there skin preference out of the window when what they where hating on comes there way.
i personally experienced this with someone who said dark skins where her type. its all lip service especially amongst somali guys since we all look the same feature wise and aren't mixed so the whole softer features thing is non existent.

in somalia its marin men because that is the majority but the thing with being light skin is that its never difficult or an issue anywhere in the world somalia included. you wont get told to tan yourself to meet any standards but i have heard of guys being told rather recently to bleach for being "too dark skinned to marry"
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Somalis have interesting traditional tastes when it comes to women. They're one of the few cultures I've ever seen who, for example, liked for a woman to be tall and looked down on small women. Then there's the funny thing about qor dheer (long neck). My mother used to tell me of how a common funny saying was "She had a long neck like a horse!" which in other cultures might seem an odd comment but to old school Somalis it was a big compliment.


I think people naturally form a preference around what is typically common and present in most people they see around them.

When you look at traditional cultures this is what is mostl typical.
It doesn't look different from the 1st AI image, other than being half a shade less darker.


The average Somali male looks like an African. (Shocking i know)

I see you are one of those condescending, rude people who doesn't know how to have a normal conversation. If you think the image below, looks Somali, I assume you are not even fully Somali or even Somali to begin with:

If you can't recognise that you are condescending and unpleasant, perhaps you need to get tested for a personality disorder.
I see you are one of those condescending, rude people who doesn't know how to have a normal conversation. If you think the image below, looks Somali, I assume you are not even fully Somali or even Somali to begin with:

View attachment 279703
There is nothing condescending about my reply to you.

I disagreed and said it looks similar to the first image , with slight skin tone deviation.

What makes this image look Somali but the other one doesn't?

Somalis are African, so overlapp resembling other Africans is not out of the ordinary.

If you want to argue you can argue you with the AI.


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