Laftagareen makes a statement by meeting with Ex - RRA veterans who liberated SWS from Salbalaar in the late 90s


#Laftagareen oo maanta la kulmay #RRA Turkish Hawiye iyo huwantiisa 1999-kii u soo qooyay kana soo sifeeyay dhulka Maayland duullaankii gardarada qaawan ay ku soo qaadeen.

Waana dhiigkar kale #Xasan #Shiilh iyo qabiilkiisa #Hawiye qabsashadii ay doonayeen #DM iyo guud ahaan qowmiyadda #Maayland siyaasiyan iyo dhaqaaliyan ku lamaanan milatari ahaan amar Alle laakiin!!


Dhib marku wah nokdo, Isku tiirsada
Nobody in Somalia deserves the fate rahanweyn received during the civil war. Just imagining the mass starvation and those that didn’t die, but faced anorexia due to mooryan food blockade. Is enough to make the blood hot

May Allah grant them and all the innocent lives that were lost during the 90’s jannah
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My skepticism and apprehension towards HSM stems from the fact it really seems like he’s on the highway to 91 all over again, not qabyalad or anything, if HSM respected the political process, if he did not openly threaten Somalis from other federal states in his juma khutbahs like he did with PL a few weeks back, if he wasn’t trying to strong-arm Reer SWS, if he finished the damn constitution and opened the courts, allowed for the rule of law to prevail, allowed one man one vote and scrapped 4.5, he would be held in the same esteem as the sayid and Axmed Guray, a nation builder, but he’s chosen the accursed clan factionalism and strong arming of dissidents and other somalis opposed to his actions.
Nobody in Somalia deserves the fate rahanweyn received during the civil war. Just imagining the mass starvation and those that didn’t die, but faced anorexia due to mooryan food blockade. Is enough to make the blood hot

May Allah grant them and all the innocent lives that were lost during the 90’s jannah
The past and what happened can tell you why Rahanweyn are moving the way that they are moving. They say karkarka kuleelka baa keenay. When you go through systematic oppression followed my mass starvation, followed by more systematic oppression. It's only a matter of time untill you turn in to a savage. And that's what happened to Raxanweyns.

Hassan Garguute Buldanana

AUG 25, 2023
FGS will eventually have their way. Huge shabaab presence in Bay N Bakool. Hawiye invaders in lower shabelle and areas near banadir causing problems. You have to have your own resources and able to control your lands to tell FGS to fck off.


Dhib marku wah nokdo, Isku tiirsada
Fair point. But it's better to fight then to surrender.
You were close too. With Baraawe port now being constructed for revenue, LG would have a leg to stand on if it was complete. But unfortunately that’s not the case. What’s stopping Hassan from using state forces and using bribery to get SWS to turn on LG?

the thing is though, yesterday I said “expect something treasonous and huge from LG”. This pretty much fits the bill, from now on, it’s going to be FGS against rx. They have ciil against the presidents ilk for the civil war era and are fighting for their right to govern their own soil how they want. These two circumstances are what led to SSC’s victory against the separatists, so no matter who wins, there will be a high death toll. Subhanallah.
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You were close too. With Baraawe port now being constructed for revenue, LG would have a leg to stand on if it was complete. But unfortunately that’s not the case. What’s stopping Hassan from using state forces and using bribery to get SWS to turn on LG?

the thing is though, yesterday I said “expect something treasonous and huge from LG”. This pretty much fits the bill, from now on, it’s going to be FGS against rx. They have ciil against the presidents ilk for the civil war era and are fighting for their right to govern their own soil how they want. These two circumstances are what led to SSC’s victory against the separatists, so no matter who wins, there will be a high death toll. Subhanallah.
True I don't want bloodshed and people dying.

But your right. If laftagareen done two things, fought Shabaab and built a port he would have been the next Ahmed madoobe. But he lacked tbh.

Right now he is putting his bets on Ethiopians. If Ethiopians get defeated he gets defeated.

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