Lazy Arabia Hires PwC to Advise on $20 Billion Cost Cuts

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If you haven't known, Saudis citizens are ranked third in global laziness. And it showed today in a project that Saudis want to outsource; since the population doesn't have the talent to solve it's internal problems.


Saudi Arabia is working with PricewaterhouseCoopers on plans to cancel about $20 billion of projects as the kingdom seeks to shore up its finances, two people familiar with the matter said.

new article is below, but before you click it I have a question for you guys:

Has Saudi laziness crept into Somali culture?
Arabs love consultants. The whole MENA region is littered with Consultants.

Consultants should be avoided. There is no long term gain in having them. There is no knowledge transfer. They charge too much. You end up fixing their mistakes. You spend too much of your time teaching them something they are paid to know themselves or should have studied on their own time. Consultants only come with their good looks/height or are just very well spoken and charismatic with good leadership skills. Very few of them even have much relevant experience (over 10 years). Notice how there are not many old consultants?

These Arabs are doomed. Why don't they train their people? Laziness is not a good excuse.
Consultants should be avoided. There is no long term gain in having them. There is no knowledge transfer. They charge too much. You end up fixing their mistakes. You spend too much of your time teaching them something they are paid to know themselves or should have studied on their own time.

These Arabs are doomed. Why don't they train their people? Laziness is not a good excuse.

There's so many young consultants in Dubai and Saudi isn't not even funny. Consultants are preferred if they are single and have no children. They can't even have pets. LooL

Seniors and Partners only show up for a few days and send out the Minions, it's always guys who are ready to get out and drink in Bahrain
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