Learning resources about Qabil and General Somali History

I've been interacting with a lot of somalis recently, online aswell as at uni, and ive learned that i do not no much about any other qabil other than my own, I'm vastly uneducated when it comes to qabil issues and really just somali history in general and Im interested in learning. I've asked some family to help out but they usually say to leave that stuff in the past and remain ignorant as it isnt important, but I really just want to know more about somali history in general, and especially about qabil

If you have any resources, pdfs or books, please link them, thanks and asc
Their is diference between qabiil and qabyalad
As much difference as mosquito and malaria. Qabil is only nontoxic when its diminished and not extremely relevant...but as long as there is emphasis on it then it will eventually breed qabyalad. Simple observation of somali society (now and before) will lead u to the same conclusion
As much difference as mosquito and malaria. Qabil is only nontoxic when its diminished and not extremely relevant...but as long as there is emphasis on it then it will eventually breed qabyalad. Simple observation of somali society (now and before) will lead u to the same conclusion
Dobi am very clan orineted but have no hate towrds other clans. Its a mater been moderate.


Do not get involved in this. You will end up eager to fight your tribe with another tribe over a water well and grazing land.

