Liberal pretty boy Trudeau WANTS to make Islamophobia illegal

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This man visits a mosque that the FBI monitors and says has sent people to IS.

This man is their mosque imams best friend.

We need him out of office. That French bastard.
I voted Conservative in opposition to his leadership. But I only donate to his party. He hijacked it with Salafis and environmental nutjobs

Yeah Justin Trudeau so salafi that he rose the first pride flag in parliament. Just admit it you want him ......but you can not have him
I think this idiot will be in office for 3 or 4 terms. This is a fucking disaster. He panders to everyone

I'll be in my 40s when he's still in office. This is very sad.
He has promised many things to the Indians and Chinese like bringing their parents here. All he needs is liberal heartland Ontario and Quebec to form a majority government and he bootyclaps to Muslims and Indians and Chinese.

Augh. I'm pissed off. I'm so sad. @AbdiJohnson lost.
If the poll results were projected to the House of Commons, the Liberals would take three-quarters of the seats — 261, compared to the 184 they won in the federal election last October — while the Conservatives would have 69 seats compared to the 98 they currently hold. The NDP would hold just seven seats, according to the survey. They won 44 last fall. The Green party would retain Leader Elizabeth May’s seat.

He already has a majority but would get a supermajority today.

Canada is gone. :meleshame:


I got boomer connections
  1. Canada:O27GWRK:
  • I think it is a great plan countering Islamophobia, we all know how the genocide of 6 million jews commenced, first step shouting the enemy, the enemy. Afterwards the slaughter.
  • Muslim Canadians deserve protection from warmongers conservatives!
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